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Items tagged with: Hongkong

Meinungsfreiheit in Hongkong: Sicherheitsgesetz verschΓ€rft

Eine ganze Generation wuchs in Hongkong mit den Demonstrationen gegen das Gesetz auf. Nun wurde es verabschiedet – zu Lasten der Meinungsfreiheit.#Hongkong #China #Sicherheit #Diktatur #Menschenrechte #Meinungsfreiheit #Asien #Politik
Meinungsfreiheit in Hongkong: Sicherheitsgesetz verschΓ€rft

I saw a person with a Taiwan jacket and then a person with a Hong Kong Korfball T-shirt and kid said that, oh yeah, those people spoke at school today.

It's a Dutch basketball-like game, and apparently in addition to the Netherlands there are players in at least Taiwan and Hong Kong.

#taiwan #hongkong #korfball

The organizers of the AFC eAsian Cup 2023 used "Hong Kong, China" as the name for the Hong Kong team, but they couldn't make Konami update their eFootball 2024 game from saying just "Hong Kong", so the Hong Kong Football Association withdrew from the tournament.

The team was told only three hours before their game.


Truth in Television
[ . . . ] Customers noticed that episode 12 of season 16 [of the Simpsons] is missing from Disney +, which launched in [Hong Kong] this month.
[ . . . ]
During their trip to Beijing, they visit Tiananmen Square where a sign reads: "On this site, in 1989, nothing happened" [ . . . ]β€Œ

#NatSecLawHK #hongkong
