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Items tagged with: パルテナ

Hello everyone! #introduction I'm a Palutena/Kid Icarus fanblog who likes to share fanart, with boosts and/or direct links of course! I'm looking for other #KidIcarus fans on here, so holler at me if you're out there! I am here to make sure I have some fediverse presence in case muskland goes up in flames! Consider it part of the #twittermigration 😅

Please go easy on me as I get acclimated to mastodon! 💚 I hope I can show lots of people how great #Palutena is! 💚 #パルテナ #パルらぶ
My header picture, drawn by many many years ago. It's a picture of Palutena holding a sign that says "Cute Palus doing cute things," which was the name of my tumblr blog (which is where I first got started waaaay back in 2016, wow!)