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My very first album buy, bough only singles before that, hunted down every other album when i was completely lost in this one, all great stuff until i wasted money on Ummagumma, never was stoned enough to comprehend or like that one (having done no more than two joints in my life, and not liking the feeling i got from it).
hey wilco, for me both albums are a journey through our brains ... animals takes the social psychological ... and ummagumma the one of fears and dreams ... after eugene was careless with the axe, and the monkeys raged in panic through the jungle it is a relief for me to chill in grantchester meadows ;)
each of their albums has a different character - and yet in its own way ingenious with recognition value ... if you read the biography, it's a miracle that these crossheads played so well together ... with "the wall" my enjoyment of pink floyd faded, as it became overdramatic and commercial

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The wall, even while i enjoy some of the tracks, was also my departing point. For one thing i was shifting my music style (again) and my interest went elsewhere, for another it lost the 'sense of wonder' all those other albums (other than ummagumma) held for me. Could be my age at the time, but now looking back, i still love that old stuff, my son loves it (indoctrination >;-) ) my wife loves i and my only regret is i missed my chance to see them life in Amsterdam (I was sick).
I try to go to every performance of the Pink Project when they are in my home town nowadays, as they are so incredibly close to the real thing that if you close your eyes during their performance, you can not get it is NOT the real Pink Floyd ;-)
animals, echoes, dark side and wish are albums i like to listen to every now and then ... ummagumma every 10 years :) except for grantchester that i practiced on the guitar ... and yes... the 80s came with new music ... king crimson, yes, the members of genesis and many more with a new style ... hard-rock became even harder with van halen and the sound quality also a generation further ... thank you all for the music :)

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Loads and loads of new music, and me at an age to go club-crawling, my 'funky time' where i was into Parliament and other funky stuff :-D
Now, a lot older, and with legs that can not keep up with the funky beat anymore, Pink Floyd and all its other great music companions (Deep Purple, Jefferson Airship, Jimmy Hendrix, The Who, The Doors etc etc) of the age of good music are still keeping me company :-)
And yes, i know they are not of the 80's but the best music 'age' was 60's to 80's then all went downhill from the 90's.
yipp :) in my youth, only the teeth and eyes of stationed americans danced to james brown, marvin gaye or war in the discotheques under black light. :)

my sister had a gi for a boyfriend, and her little brother benefited from the music :)
the other siblings listened to bee gees or sweet, my father bavarian folk music and mother played classical music on the piano :)
in addition my preference for floyd, purple, zeppelin etc ... music was my first love :)
here and there i come across interesting new ... like this energetic band ...

Oooh, nice, i like them! Thanks :-D
They remind me of Green Day - was this an anti-Trump anthem?:

More of an anti-GOP song, but, good enough :-D