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“There are certain essential nutrients only found in dead animals” um actually that’s a lie
It's called adrenochrome and it's found in mircroscopic amounts in animals. But in infant children it's rich and it helps the rich stay young.

A man on the Internet said so.
I regret looking that up
It is definitely a lot easier to get the essential nutrients when you eat meat. Modern bourgeoise society is what allows people to be comfortably vegan.
Tell that to the Jains, Buddhists, and rural Chinese rice farmers. Look up The China Study. Meat is a luxury item that makes no sense economically because you have to grow plants, harvest them, and feed them to the livestock for them to shit out their entire lives. There’s so much energy lost.
I’m guessing the disagreement is on the word “essential?”
Even the “nice to haves” are found in plants. B12 - soil. Omega 3 - algae. Creation and taurine are produced by the body naturally, but if you really want to increase them, they can be synthesized from plant sources.
A Buddhist monk was once asked why he ate only plants an no animals and he replied, “They don’t scream as loud.” I always thought their way was more cruel because they ate the plants while they were still alive.

I hadn’t met Alex yet, and had only ever known people who ate animals after they were dead.
I think the problem is some people feeling empathy for animals, but some people don’t.

The people feeling empathy for animals tend to be vegans. That’s all.

The thing bug me is some vegans and non vegans try to prove they are superior to others by the diet. It’s not.

I am the don’t feeling empathy for animals group, bc animals are stupid.

Not so bright myself, but if you're going to kill me, please make it quick.
That was supposed to just be a friendly jest. Kidding like you were. (I do not believe you arrive home and drop-kick your dog or cat across the room.) As soon as I clicked 'Publish!' I wished I'd added a smiley. I'm just an old-school twitter refugee and haven't yet decided editing is a good idea.


Comparing animals to human babies is a very vegan idea. Justifying eating animals because babies are stupid and provide you no value is an argument I can respect.