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What is your hot drink of choice?

  • Coffee (65%, 438 votes)
  • Tea (24%, 165 votes)
  • Herbal tea (5%, 37 votes)
  • Other (specify in replies) (4%, 30 votes)
670 voters. Poll end: 1 year ago

Evan Prodromou reshared this.

coffee, hot chocolate then tea
Where does yerba mate fall? What about fruit teas?
How about "a mix of various dried things I had available and felt like dropping into the cup this time"? ;)
Jagertee. An Austrian classic with black tea, fine spices, some sugar and rum.
London fog is my favorite but now I’m thinking about the Negroni.
@Sanlear that probably would have been a good third or fourth option. I needed to leave open a fourth "other" for people who drink lemon and hot water or miso or what have you

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Content warning: re: alcohol

unfair to ask tea versus herbal tea cuz it depends on the day!
(*) Coffee
(*) Coffee
(*) Coffee
(*) describe in the comments

Comment: black coffee.
the coffee people are wrong. Those votes should be removed. Just sayin’
I was tempted to select other and write Vin Chaud here.
Chai and Hot Chocolate
Hot chocolate of course, for these cold winter times.
with a lot of #milk — can't drink that pure 😬, later in the day it's usually a #flavoured #lungo; no sugar — would, but shouldn't. 🙄)
* I also like #blacktea, especially #Darjeeling and the flavoured #EarlGrey.
* I love #mate tea (i.e. a specific herbal tea), especially the variant with additional #guarana.

So in the end I'd say that my hot drink of choice are those with #caffeine. 😉
I want to vote twice because my true favorite is Hong Kong style coffee milk tea! (Yuenyeung 鴛鴦)
Black tea in the morning, herbal tea in the afternoon, hot chocolate during the holidays.
currently I’m obsessed with hot chocolate
coffee in the morning, sometimes also at lunch now that I'm so often at home with what's left.

Rooibos at night.

Black tea sometimes mid-afternoon or, rarely, late morning.
hot chocolate with a shot of raspberry flavour
I drink coffee more religiously but actually prefer the taste of tea 😅
I drink way more tea recently than ever before. Old age perhaps.
@mattl seems like an aggressive move in Boston idk

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This is why I had to move out of the city.
I had a workmate from Laval and he drank only tea, but I am pretty sure it was a political statment.
occasionally matcha
These are interesting results. I'm a coffee drinker, myself, but I want to try more North American herbal tisanes next year, like wild bergamot and Labrador tea.
sounds difficult to brew. How long does the dog have to steep?
@Sanlear you could talk to your instance admin and see if there's a way to add more poll options