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@N. E. Felibata 👽 I don't think true love can ever ignore another lover. It's pointless to look for partners in the trash, where people just throw each other away after utility ends. But when someone wants to be uplifted, my heart and mind are always open. I love that which soars in the human soul. Yes it is a very inspiring image.

Well, if you look for partners in the trash, you will of course only find trash ...

What I meant is that we don't recognize our possibilities.

The possibilities we would have if we realized that we are indoctrinated, if we could free ourselves from delusion and seduction.

We could try to take our lives into our own hands. To stop letting ourselves be determined by others ...

But well ..., we can still dream ... and:

In our personal, private, small environment, try to change things for the better.

If enough people did this, how great, how beautiful, our lives could be ...


Just sayin' 😈

I think I agree, but I'm wondering love a habitual state in relationships, or is it an experience spread throughout the world?

Is it dependent, independent, both?

lives in our own hands

isn't something about love the release into sustaining arms?

Of course, it will be different between people, but it's interesting to hear opinions!

isn’t something about love the release into sustaining arms?
but it’s interesting to hear opinions!

How do you perceive the notion that love entails a sense of liberation within the embrace of sustaining arms?

if you look for partners in the trash, you will of course only find trash …

@N. E. Felibata 👽 I couldn't agree more.

Well, what can I say, I think that love is the most misinterpreted, misunderstood word in our languages, whatever they are.

For my part, I think there is a universal love and a selective one.

The universal one is when you show love to your fellow human beings in general, even if they may not always be lovable.

In my opinion, selective love would be a love, unconditional, selfless, a love for a specific person.

If this is then reciprocated, it might be happiness and a wonderful experience.

In my experience, however, this is rarely the case. (the unconditional love, I mean).

I hope I was able to make my point reasonably clear, as English is not my first language.

Anyway, have a nice evening 🤗

Ach Mensch, ich habe gerade mal auf dein Profil geschaut, du scheinst ja auch Deutsch zu sprechen.

Da hätte ich ja auch in Deutsch antworten, und mich eventuell besser verständlich machen können ...

Aber ich hoffe doch, auch meine Antwort auf Englisch war verständlich, und dem Thema angemessen.

Liebe Grüße 😎

War super! Du bist lieb und liebenswert. Zumindest aus meinem Versuch universaler Liebe 🤗
Freut mich, noch einen schönen Abend gewünscht 😀