I deleted about 90 users, which gave me 180000 tasks in the queue. Didn't think about that before, but that will take a few hours now.
reshared this
I deleted about 90 users, which gave me 180000 tasks in the queue. Didn't think about that before, but that will take a few hours now.
reshared this
utzer [Friendica]
•utzer [Friendica]
•utzer [Friendica]
•utzer [Friendica]
•from the log:
utzer [Friendica]
•Michael Vogel
•If there are a lot of deffered posts, then you can decrease that with the configuration value "worker_defer_limit". I had set it to 6 on squeet.me.
Which kind of jobs are there the most?
utzer [Friendica]
•@Michael Vogel I think it is fine, it is just prio 50.
utzer [Friendica]
•@Michael Vogel let me ask about this, is this "worker_defer_limit" about the first number in /admin (above 1284 in the picture)?
What I would like is to make the server more usable for the users on it, so the "every day" things should work faster, like delivery of posts and fetching of posts.
Michael Vogel
•utzer [Friendica]
•Michael Vogel
•select command,count(*) from workerqueue where not done group by command;
utzer [Friendica]
•Michael Vogel
•select command,substr(parameter, 3, locate('"', parameter, 3)-3) as para, priority, count(*) from workerqueue where command = 'apdelivery' and not done group by para,priority;
utzer [Friendica]
•utzer [Friendica]
•Now the JPM is increasing and the DB is using less CPU, the systems has a lower load.
Maybe the creation of new items has finished now?
Michael Vogel
•utzer [Friendica]
•utzer [Friendica]
•utzer [Friendica]
•utzer [Friendica]