diaspora* hotfix release
We just released diaspora* version which fixes an issue when multiple bundler versions were available that results in diaspora* being unable to start.
Podmins who already run without issues don't need to update (but feel free to do anyway). For podmins still on older version, it fixes some possible issues when updating. Update instructions are available as usual in the wiki.
If you are a user not running your own pod, there is nothing you need to do!
#diaspora #announcement #release #07181
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Felix Tiede
•Dennis Schubert
•But unfortunately, we had a couple folks seeing errors like
Trying to register Bundler::GemfileError for status code 4 but Bundler::GemfileError is already registered
. Those folks were really stuck and we didnāt really know how to reproduce or debug that. But this hotfix fixes that!netballdodgingdrills
•ahmed344 likes this.
•wendyw likes this.
•Donna Clark