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Best thing I've read on the experience of the recent mass growth of users on Mastodon, from the perspective of someone who has thrived in the fediverse for many years.

I know the feeling, I have seen it countless times. Largest one was when the Internet went from academics to a commercial product (I don't describe it: it's the same).
It's unreasonable to believe that a small, friendly but completely open place can stay virgin and have babies the same time. Either you close from the general public or you adapt having them, and see that there is no such thing as "completely open but" posts.
My guess is that AP will adapt, and it's good.
I first moved to Austin about 30 years ago. Over all that time it has been common to hear how Austin is just not the place it used to be. Complaints about Californians or Northerners or people from Dallas moving here and changing things. Too many luxury condos. Losing cherished hangouts. Restaurants requiring pants. The city has always adapted, and many of the changes are good. And in any case, the change is unstoppable--new people are coming.
A very interesting read. As one of these newcomers it's good to get the perspective of people who've been here for a while. I'm actually somewhat disappointed I hadn't come across the whole Federated thing earlier. Perhaps it's becuase I am an old geek who remembers dialing up BBS boards and participating in Fidonet conversations (not sure if that because Usenet, or was just a similar idea that Usenet superseded) that I feel like I have a basic understanding how things should work here.
@countstex but it's shorter than the average echomail… I'm not yet sure that's a good future.
Hi from 2:370/15! 🐶
@grin oh my, I have no idea what Net I used to use! :D I can remember the name of the BBS I visited most, and I ran my own for maybe a year though only at specific times as we had just the one phone line!
@countstex if you remember the name of the BBS I simply look it up in the NODELIST ;-)
@grin Then I guess hello from 2:250/149 it is then!
@countstex The Schizophrenic Wolf? Welcome, welcome!
@grin That was the one, well the one I can remember, I used to bounce around 2 or 3 of them.
@countstex Netmail from Hungary to UK took average 3 days and another 3 back. Look how the world have changed! 🧙‍♂️
And then we could write a thousand lines and now we're limited to 500 bytes! 😆