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@AntennaPod surprised me with this cool feature today!

I think Spotify had a similar feature for the songs you listen to, but I haven't been on Spotify for a long time so I don't know what it's called now. But it's cool to see this on a FOSS podcast app like #AntennaPod, and the amazing thing is that they generate it locally on your device so it's privacy friendly 🙂

#FOSS #Podcast #AntennaPodEcho

A new item appeared on my home page called "AntennaPod Echo 2023", the description below reads "Your top podcasts and stats from the past year. Exclusively on your phone."
Opening the AntennaPod Echo presents me with a screen similar to the status page you see on messengers like Whatsapp and Signal. In this screenshot you can see some animated floating bubbles in the background with the text on top reading "Your year 2023 in podcasts, generated privately on your phone".
Damn that's a lot of podcasts I listen to! 😅
Screenshot of a page from AntennaPod Echo showing "This year you played 404 hours of episodes from 36 different podcasts"

Okay I feel called out now 🙈

But hey if you subscribe to a dozen or so podcats then this is pretty normal I guess :blobcatshrug:

Screenshot of a page from AntennaPod Echo. The text on top reads "We've run some analysis on when episodes are released, and when you completed them. Our conclusion?". Then you see a big 🧘 emoji at the center and below it the text reads "You're easy going. Typically, you completed an episode 79 days 19 hours after it was released."

I feel like the statistics is a bit skewed here because I've put some podcasts under a custom tag named "Bookmarks" and excluded them from my inbox, I certainly can't listen to 48 podcasts at once, lol 😂

If the #AntennaPod team is reading this, having a default built-in bookmarking feature in the app would be useful because sometimes you wanna keep an eye on some podcasts without actually subscribing to them and having all their episodes show up on your inbox. Just a suggestion 🙂

Screenshot of a page from AntennaPod Echo. The text on top reads "We've also been wondering: do you listen to the podcasts that you're subscribed to?". And then you see a big emoji of ✅ at the center and the text below reads:

Check. No hoarding here.

You've played episodes from 70% of your 48 active subscriptions this year. How about checking out "Command line Heroes" again?
TBH I've probably used AntennaPod for a bit longer because I've my switched phone once and started fresh. But yeah I've never really had any reason to change the app since then, this has always been my favorite FOSS podcast app 🙂 Thanks to the #AntennaPod team and all the wonderful people contributing to this project! :ablobcatheartsqueeze:
Screenshot of a page from AntennaPod Echo. The text reads "Thanks for sticking with us this year! You played your first episode with us in October 2020 It's been our honor to serve you since. Now let's take a look at your favorite podcasts..."