Unexpectedly my #Friendica Server went into maintenance mode this night (I guess). I think it got stuck in the maintenance mode.
On the page I see:
#0 [internal function]: Friendica\Module\Maintenance::content(Array)
#1 /srv/http/src/App/Page.php(332): call_user_func(Array, Array)
#2 /srv/http/src/App/Page.php(388): Friendica\App\Page->initContent(Object(Friendica\App\Module), Object(Friendica\App\Mode))
#3 /srv/http/src/App.php(576): Friendica\App\Page->run(Object(Friendica\App), Object(Friendica\App\BaseURL), Object(Friendica\App\Mode), Object(Friendica\App\Module), Object(Friendica\Core\L10n), Object(Friendica\Core\Config\JitConfig), Object(Friendica\Core\PConfig\JitPConfig))
#4 /srv/http/index.php(42): Friendica\App->runFrontend(Object(Friendica\App\Module), Object(Friendica\App\Router), Object(Friendica\Core\PConfig\JitPConfig), Object(Friendica\App\Authentication), Object(Friendica\App\Page))
#5 {main}
I tried to run "bin/console dbstructure update", but in mysql there is no processes.
Should I try to finish maintenance mode manually?
Michael Vogel
utzer [Friendica]
@Michael Vogel I did, nothing there.
... show more@Michael Vogel I did, nothing there.
Also I just switched from RC to master, so I was not expecting an update.
Michael Vogel
bin/console dbstructure update -f
. And then manually deactivate the maintenance mode.utzer [Friendica]
@Michael Vogel there was no output for the -f added to the command, I deactivated the maintenance mode and it looks good now.
Can we add some fallback that prevents this somehow? Probably you already thought about that and implemented something, if not then can we add something?