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I like going to a concession stand because it's like they're reluctantly giving in to your demands for french fries
"hi, can i have a hot dog?"
An illustration in which a man angrily concedes, "I GUESS"
You can see this terrible work ethic everywhere. At our last county fair, I lost my wallet and it was sent to Lost+Found with all its contents!

Not even the carnies are bothering to perform traditional jobs, like pickpocketing.
It's there in the name: they're conceding fries to you.
@chrisjrn exactly! That's how this kind of negotiations works
or #orange #squash when run by 4 eight year old #kids and their mums aren't #charging them for the oranges which of course means they are getting a #concession on basic #costs. And usually no rent.

Shockingly the mums have also been known to juice the oranges at no charge. Appalling behaviour.
"Some events or venues contract the right to sell food to third parties. Those contracts are often referred to as a concession — hence the name for a stand where food is sold."
