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How do people live with 500 characters as limit? Just writing short replies often leads to longer texts for me.

Sure having this limit would likely enforce it. But just being free to write longer texts ( and if only slightly longer) feels good.

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@Tobias And to think at some point we were happy with 140 characters mentions included!
@7homas ♓ sometimes it just have to be more then just 500 characters to write sentences in a posting so they make sense. And having a thread of replies combined holding the entrire text, is just a poor hack bypassing the artificial limit.

For many things 500 might be enough. But the pure existence of these threads composing a bigger posting, just shows to me that the limit is wrong.
> Over time, however, I find that no matter what size limit I choose, I want more ... despite only rarely approaching the limits I set.

That is what I mean @LinuxWalt (@lnxw48a1) {3EB165E0-5BB1-45D2-9E7D-93B31821F864} most of the time it works and then there are a few occacions when one just needs to write a bit more and either shortens the text with cryptinc letter combinations, or starts a thread of shortened messeges.
There are some Mastodon instances with higher char limits.

You may also take a look at #Friendica or #Misskey, if you constantly find yourself needing more than 500 chars.