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I am considering blocking on my pod.
It seems there are only #trolls posting from there. Any serious counter-arguments?

If not, the block starts Sunday evening, around 20:00 GMT.
Die Podmin ist zwar selbst kein Troll, hat aber offensichtlich keine Lust, sich ernsthaft mit dem Problem auseinanderzusetzen und ihren Pod zu moderieren. -.-
I have one contact there who isn't a troll, but that person has got an account on a friendica node as well and we are connected with both, so from my part: go for it 😀

Then this is cancelled and I will go back to individually ignoring those guys.

@Rebeka Catalina
I will not start overblocking and your comment was exactly what I was asking for with this post.

Blocking the entire pod is a convenience for me but it is not worth causing inconveniences for anybody else with legitimate interests in not doing so.

It is totally ok for me if you block the whole pod. I'm in contact with that friend also via his friendica-profile. Do it 😀
No. You've supplied ample reason not to do so.
I will not start running into the problems caused by overblocking.
It is no problem. I have already removed their from my contacts and wrote them a message 😀
You're not helping ;-P
Do it - block it!! 😁

Am i troll?

Hard to tell - I can't read any cyrillic language, so I can't judge all of your posts. Most of what I've seen are reshares anyway.
That alone justifies "no" as an answer for me.

That being said, there still is the issue of a lack of moderation from sysad's podmin.
On the other hand, as I've also already said, discussed and linked, there are adverse effects of blocking an entire pod on the network level - which is what I intend(ed) to do - and banning your content from my pod would be one of them.

That is precisely the reason I posted this publicly.
To get a discussion started and to weigh in arguments pro and contra blocking the entire pod. You asking that question is exactly what post and its comments are about.
