Do you have your Mastodon address on your LinkedIn profile?
- Strong yes (7%, 36 votes)
- Qualified yes (4%, 21 votes)
- Qualified no (33%, 152 votes)
- Strong no (54%, 248 votes)
Evan Prodromou reshared this.
Edmund Edgar
•Larry Anderson
•Ryan Harter
•Jack Wright
•ClearingTheFog :snorklr:
•That said, I’m now considering creating a personal/professional account again for the first time in a long time, here on masto.
Couldn’t bring myself to do that on other platforms. We shall see.
Stephen Kellat
•Evan Prodromou
•Brent Williams
•Brian Danger Hicks
•Evan Prodromou
•Steve Scotten
•Nizar Kerkeni 🇹🇳 نزار القرقني
•Aurora ✅
•CEO of Anti-Clock Society
•Evan Prodromou
•Kolokoko Bird!
•Evan Prodromou
•Ronathon Livingston Seagull
•Lohan Gunaweera
•stephen ✊ ✪ 🍞 &🌹🌹🌹
•Autumn the Red Sage
•John Abbe (aka Slow)
•Alex 🌍 🍁 🇨🇭
•Everton Zanella Alvarenga
•Evan Prodromou
•My social accounts (Twitter and Mastodon) are for me, to post what interests me. I choose to use them predominantly for tech. My personal experiments with ReasonML or Kubernetes should not be construed as an endorsement by (nor for) my employer/client. Posting to LinkedIn could reasonably be.
Evan Prodromou
•But I had the nick q[vegeta] in #perl for a while. I was somewhat proud of that.
Evan Prodromou
•Aljoscha Rittner (beandev)
•ricardo :mastodon:
•David Wilson
•Steve :verified: :eagles2:
•Aunt Eeepha⚙
Erik Kemp 🇪🇺
•perrodeblues 🎏
•Mark Keisler
•Evan Prodromou
•Adam Dalliance
•My Fedi address is on all the profiles I have, but none of my profiles are on Linked In. They are spammers, like almost all recruiters.
Least used to be. I dunno. I block their email these days.
C. Scott Ananian (he/him)
•Dr. Matt Lee
•It's A Me, Bori'O
•Eric G.
•Siggi Bjarnason 🤠
•Nelson Chu Pavlosky
•Evan Prodromou
•Sugar Jones
•Evan Prodromou
•Evan Prodromou
•Evan Prodromou
•C. E. M. Henderson
•Evan Prodromou
•Evan Prodromou
•Gretchen Anderson
•Aaron Williamson 🍄
•Jeff McNeill
•Fabián Rodríguez 🛡💾 🇨🇴 🌴