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Do you have your Mastodon address on your LinkedIn profile?

  • Strong yes (7%, 36 votes)
  • Qualified yes (4%, 21 votes)
  • Qualified no (33%, 152 votes)
  • Strong no (54%, 248 votes)
457 voters. Poll end: 1 year ago

Evan Prodromou reshared this.

No although the goat in my mastodon header is the same goat as the goat I use for my linkedin profile picture
LinkedIn is Facebook with a briefcase, and I keep my work far, far away from my social media. Safer that way.
I would, but don't have a LinkedIn profile! It's nothing but recruiter spam! I got rid of it when I was a freelancer, so it could have been super useful. But I keep a good enough network that I never needed it!
there needs to be an option for “this never occurred to me”.
The only reason I created a social media account (after ditching all forms of it years ago) was to impact the political landscape, and I don’t really need that linked to my career.

That said, I’m now considering creating a personal/professional account again for the first time in a long time, here on masto.

Couldn’t bring myself to do that on other platforms. We shall see.
I don't have a LinkedIn profile these days so this one is a "Strong no".
I forgot I have a LinkedIn profile.
Had not even considered it and having been made to consider it I think not
You remind me that I have to add it. Thank!
for my current job I'm trying to decide how much I want to have integrated with my normal life.
I don't have a LinkedIn profile and don't plan on making one. :)
Oh no. I don’t use LinkedIn. It is just one more commercial spam-nonsense site.
I do have my Mastodon address on my Facebook profile... Does that count?
@anton I'd say no, but trust your heart
"Qualified no" then. One day I'll have multiple Mastodon addresses, including a "work" one that I will mention on LinkedIn. But not yet.
I did put it at the top of my resume, though.
I don't have a LinkedIn profile. So it is a strong nox2
Some 10 years ago, a customer decided to thank me on Twitter for a presentation I had given. I did noot feel comfortable with customers saying hello on my personal Twitter, so I made a work account. I’ve been trying to decide if I want to make a second Mastodon account or what. I liked having the 2 identities, but not sure if the second account is worth it.
I have this Mastodon account on my LI now! Thanks for the thought. Of course now I'll have to remember to change it when I get a different one...
Where do you add it? There doesn't seem to be a field or option.
good idea. I've just added it.
No, for the same reason I don't put my irc channel memberships in my work email signature.
Assuming this is for pedagogical reasons, consider also: inviting your boss to your sibling's birthday, or your children into board meetings.

My social accounts (Twitter and Mastodon) are for me, to post what interests me. I choose to use them predominantly for tech. My personal experiments with ReasonML or Kubernetes should not be construed as an endorsement by (nor for) my employer/client. Posting to LinkedIn could reasonably be.
@penryu OK. I was hoping it was for a cool reason, like that your IRC channel names were also escape codes for SMTP that cause unpatched qmail servers to forkbomb.
Ah, nothing so enviably cool. Their usually social channels with names that increasingly resemble secure passwords to avoid excessive spam bots.

But I had the nick q[vegeta] in #perl for a while. I was somewhat proud of that.
My name is more or less unique, so my name is the link itself - enter it in Google 😄
I'm not sure I want to attract the LinkedIn type of user to join. I've seen enough corporate backslapping for one lifetime
No; LinkedIn is work stuff and my masto would be considered very unprofessional in that context
maybe if I create a work-oriented profile on my instance. Until then, no thank you.
Not yet, immediately added. I'm longing for that fediverse platform that I forgot the name of just now
no but this is a great think about it
I hadn't thought to do it yet :)
I don't link to any social media from my LinkedIn profile. I can't really see any reason why I would want to.
I don't have a LockedIn profile, so technically all answers are simultaneously true and false
@aeva I'd say strong no in that case
Aside from not having a LinkedIn account, I'm unsure of the wisdom of linking everything together. Hence no real name on my account here nor any links to whatever minimal presence I have elsewhere on the Internet.
I blocked LinkedIn from my email host as a spammer in about 2005. They wouldn't stop sending me invites and I have no interest at all in a directory of business people.

My Fedi address is on all the profiles I have, but none of my profiles are on Linked In. They are spammers, like almost all recruiters.

Least used to be. I dunno. I block their email these days.
I'll add it when/if I'm in the job market again, but I try not to touch that site otherwise, or the recruiting jackals descend.
my LinkedIn profile doesn’t reflect reality when I’m actively working somewhere.
I don't think about updating it unless I'm looking for jobs or just changed jobs, so no, but I guess I will put it in (my personal and professional identities are thoroughly mashed up at this point; you want to hear my thoughts about licensing you have to deal with the bad food takes).
If I ever do that, it will be the link to very clean, neutral, and professional looking content, on a very "grand publique" Mastodon server.
I maintain a strong division between my work persona and me. My mastodon profile is me.
I said qualified no because I haven't logged into LinkedIn for years, like since before I joined Mastodon. Apparently this should have been a strong no? I'm unclear on the definitions here.
i have my mastodon handle on my linked in description. i think we need more people to be here. even if we bring the people we "don´t like", we need federation understood by all and available for all.
I’ve got mine on my LinkTree, which is on LinkedIn. 🙂
probably already mentioned, but this was missing the I don't use/don't have a LinkedIn account
@zamu I'd say that's a "strong no", but up to you to decide how to answer.
This is really interesting! I am putting a note in my calendar to ask again in a year.
Maybe add an “I don’t have a LinkedIn” option?
I honestly hadn’t thought about it and now I think…that place doesn’t need to know about me here
Was there an assumption that we have our Twitter in LinkedIn?
I'll need an alt. 😅
what does a qualified response to a binary question mean?
I no longer have a LinkedIn but if I did, NOPE.
No. The instance I am on may die/go at anytime. Until I have my own or until I can federate my WordPress site I won't. This reminds me I should add it to my personal/pro web sites.