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so its the lazystroke/gmic fill but with a single point instead of multiplle?
@icedquinn It's (afaik) a new method, quicker, and detailed here in the WIP thread:
wow, that’s so awesome! This is the feature I always needed but never knew that it could be possible!

Oh wow!

This is such a familiar issue :flan_laugh: 😛hotoshop:

Oh, interesting, surely Photoshop and Paint Tool Aai lack of this due their greed 😂
In this example, it seems to fill outside the shape and connects to the wrong line (not even the closest line?). Looks like making manual gap-closing marks using the fill colour might still be the fastest method, except where the lineart is more gap than line :'D
Do you think this is something that will be improved for release, or is this a limitation of the algorithm?

@eishiya True, that's just me who put a too high Close Gap distance in pixels in this demo 😆 So it spreads a bit on the other side until it finds a 15px gap.

I was probably a bit too excited to make a perfect example.

Check the example at the end of, the video of SchrodingerCat for maybe another view on the results with a thin grayscale line-art.

Wonderful! I love Clip Studio for this option and am thrilled that Krita is following suit. (my lines are very sloppy 😉 )
Cool feature, though "close gap" sounds like the opposite of what the setting does?
@soc Hey, first part of the demo video I posted shows the 0px (so no effect), the name is a bit standard in the industry for this type of feature. Later in the demo, I show how at 15px it closes gaps on my drawing (the drawing is high resolution and zoomed back).
Yes, understood that, no worries!
I really just found the name unintuitive.
wow that is a good feature. I hope it pushed to main repo of my distro. sorry if my question is too basic but do you have suggestion when to use fill tool with close gap and colorize mask?

@litt17 Hey, it's in Krita master, so the nightly build (and for your distro, it will be on the next major release of Krita, probably Krita 5.3, but before that you might see more 'point' release fix of 5.2.x).

This Close Gap feature replaces probably the usage of Colorize mask: both feature tries to solve the same type of workflow for color flatting artworks.

and does “Spread” expand the fill beneath the lines (if that makes sense)?
@tangocharlie Not automatically. Krita still has the "grow" option, where you can set how many pixels of auto-spreads outside the fill boundaries.
ohhhhh cool. Thank you for taking the time to post a video!
I have this downloaded but have not made time to get up to speed. I might have to make that a priority.
If you want to expand color fills perfectly under the lines, using colorize masks works better than the fill tool
@redj @tangocharlie True, I made a video about the colorize mask , this feature is for sure (as said by Redj − hello! 😉 ) a bit better at finding a middle ground under the thickness of the line-art. But it's also fully aliased by default, so an icing on the cake after a flat aliased coloring using the Colorize Mask is always a GMIC filter (in Krita) of antialiasing, or a Gaussian blur filter of 1px. In case of transparent line-art (or penciled) it works really well.
Hi David 😊
Personally I like that the flat colors are aliased: I only use my flat colors layer as a selection source, to quickly select each color zone (so I can paint effects on another layer), so having aliased flat colors mean cleaner selections. And since the lines on top cover 99% of the artwork, it's never really visible in the end
What magic is this?! :ablobcateyesflip:
This entry was edited (11 months ago)
#krita is one of those amazing apps which I haven't given enough attention. I should look at it again.
oh mais trop bien!! Merci pour l'info!

aaaa I didn't know I needed this! Can't wait for it to land in stable ❤️✨✨✨

Thanks for sharing!

@feacrow Yes. It solves the same type of task in the workflow, but in a very different way and interface. This way ( fill tool + gap closing ) is a bit more familiar coming from other software.