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The Lancet medical journal published a letter from three academics on 5 July estimating that indirect deaths, caused by factors like disease, might mean the death toll is several times higher than official estimates and possibly above 186,000.
This is unthinkable and must be stopped!
Harris/Waltz support genocide
They all do but if enough grass roots opposition to it builds they might just be forced
to step back from unwavering support for Zionist genocide and land grabbing... Without
US support the Zionist fever dream would crumble... The great enabler needs to bring
about regime change in Israel, they're good at that...
Oh my God, this is even worse one can imagine! Though i spoke with my banker, Maroc origin, yesterday, he was about to cry or beat Qatar and Barein arabs, their "Islam" brothers... For these children, this is nothing but pure evil 😢(
But hey, they are about to collapse, and that's it! And WE sell Netanyaou rascals arms for doing so! We, as occident peoples, need to stop our governments NOW!

My Post :

Counting the dead in Gaza: difficult but essential
#TheLancet :
Published: July 05, 2024

it is not implausible to estimate that up to 186 000 or even more deaths could be attributable to the current conflict in Gaza.

le nombre de morts dans la bande de Gaza pourrait s’élever en réalité à 186 000 personnes.

So how much of them are still alive ? There is an immediate necessity to save them! how will we face any future, knowing how it goes, if they all dye ?
I'll tell you this : if they all dye, be prepared to dye with them. This is an advice. These criminals deserve death themselves, NOW.
@Anne Har I think there is some confusion, something lost in translation...
Don is cool... He just pointed out that Harris & Walz support genocide as much as the republicans...
The massive amount of financial and military aid will continue no matter who wins the election...
The weapons and bombs will continue to enable Israel's genocidal occupation... I understand your
anger but killing people is how we got here in the first place... There has to be peace and justice...
Lock up the warmongers and complicit politicians, they are the biggest obstacle to peace...
@Anne Har, Harris, c'est Kamala Harris, la candidate aux élections USA. 😀
Mais je ne l'agresse pas, ce n'est pas à Don que je lm'adresse, mais à nous tous ! Je dis ceci, c'est que si ce génocide gagne, nous sommes tous perdus d'avance et à jamais ! Ces criminels doivent être éliminés, il n'y a pas d'autre solution.

I’ll tell you this : if they all dye, be prepared to dye with them

This statement would logically include the author of the comment, no?

The best way to fight injustice is to expose it...
It just horrifies me how the west let's them get away with it again
and again and again and worst of all arms and funds them... The
pathetic panto of words of revulsion for their sickening, psychotic,
killing spree,faux condemnations from world leaders who then carry
on enabling a psychotic, Zionist genocide... It's time that we the people
of this world stand up en masse and made this nightmare stop, humanity
is fucked if we let this continue...
The US is essentially encouraging this action. Everyone knows that the words mean nothing, but our actions are a de-facto encouragement.
Blinken has got to go. What a mealy-mouthed SOB.
If he had any self-respect he would have resigned.
Zionist putsh! This is a holp-up! With Gaza and Palestine, democracy is denied!
An article well worth reading and an explanation of how Israel gets away with its
genocidal war crimes via mainstream media complicity...

They don't care because they are not white, christian and the murderers are European colonialists.

Before COVID, I could not understand why Americans are so indifferent to the suffering of their victims, but COVID taught me that they simply don't care for anyone who is not EXACTLY like them, thinks like them, lives like them and votes like them. If they were so nasty and indifferent to the death of 100s of thousands of their own people, how can we expect them to care about people (even innocent children) who live in a place they can't even find on the map?

Whilst that holds true for the soft white underbelly of American society,
the MAGA capped morons who see Trump as the anointed one, the political
elite who are all deeply in the pocket of AIPAC, etc.... There is a significant
grass roots opposition... Despite the American media's best efforts there is
a clear generational divide and clear indications that Gen Z do not side with
genocide and the imperialist war machine... Judging by the size of pro Palestinian
protests, plenty of others too... I will always resist tarring everyone with the same
brush regardless of geography, race and religion... It's always a mistake to judge
people by their governments and leaders... There are good people everywhere,
the opposition to government policy here in the UK is massive and consistent...
The bias and fear factor we are up against makes me proud of every person who
has the courage to stand against it and say NO out loud and publicly... If all those people stood together and internationally coordinated their opposition and protest
that would make a big difference...

Everyone’s creativity is compelled to restore behaviors aimed at Life’s (Water) responsible access, including non human beings of every kind by means of intelligence of adequate, neutral and immediate technics. No room for doubt. Only good willing…

This I believe. I would replace "responsible access" simply with "health".

Thanks @tomgrzybow, but not only "OMS" Helth I believe, who pretends curing Gaza's polio emerging new treat not by water access/peace, but "mass vaccination"....
never. irish people survived the same stuff. we stand in solidarity forever. irish friends of palestine. derry friends of palestine. celtic friends of palestine and israel. <><><>
oh you are irish @VINNIUM /|\ The Druid Chief ☀️ ! Fine.. I saw they were called "scots" in the old times.... or am I wrong ?