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If anybody tells you that #Soapbox ain't sexy, they're either lying or castrated
#Soapbox is a #Cloudflare site that asks for money “to support our mission to make decentralized social media the new standard and protect users from the abuses of Big Tech.” Yikes. Cloudflare sites are the opposite of decentralized & they surreptitiously feed you (& your private DMs) to “Big Tech”. Thus is not “sexy”. #hypocrisy
The #Soapbox website also suggests #Namecheap to users, which is a CF’d registrar who shares your identity & domains with #Cloudflare even if you /buy/ whois privacy (indeed you have to pay extra for whois privacy & then they leak the info anyway). Then to top it all off, the s/w repo is jailed on another Cloudflare site: #Gitlab. WTF.
Ah yes. Typical @dsfgs type rhetoric. “Everything is bad” they type using technology that DEFINITELY wasn’t made using slave labor, to post on a DEFINITELY carbon-neutral internet, while wearing clothes that were DEFINITELY made in a sweat shop with DEFINITELY ethically sourced materials, before eating a meal that DEFINITELY wasn’t created using exploitative labor or includes harmful ingredients.

Seeing y’all pretend to be better than everyone else because you don’t use #Cloudflare is richer than #BillGates.
Thanks for the words placed in our mouth.

We advocate (#)SOLE and ppl use (aka ShopEthical). We assert (#)AllPhonesAreBad.

Do you also think we advocate placing bugs in all our clothing and food, also? That's C'flare. We include them in a holistic movement against (#)dotCons.

Communication is unethical, solely due to monopoly structures in it.

If you posted less we would have followed you. Now we know you're hypnotised.
This is exactly what I’m talking about
I just wanted to make a point, so I did.

I’m sure y’all have great motives and rationale but screaming at everyone that they’re bad for liking the software they do is not the move. You’re not gonna convince anyone to change their ways by doing that.
Its a pity that is not an inclusive 'we', referencing yourself.
Ah dang if only you were correct on that front
This isn’t middle school. We aren’t talking about who “is better” than who (wtf does that even mean?)

An org that surreptitiously uses centralized tech that feeds a tech giant & imposes that walled garden of surveillance on their users while also promoting other such centralized services yet claiming the contrary & masquerading as a decentralization effort at the same time as asking for money from unwitting people in the fedi… that is what we are talking about.

It’s fraud. Using deception for money is fraud.
> This isn’t middle school.

If this isn't middle school why are y'all acting like my words are giving you boo-boos lol

> An org that surreptitiously uses centralized tech that feeds a tech giant & imposes that walled garden of surveillance on their users while also promoting other such centralized services yet claiming the contrary & masquerading as a decentralization effort at the same time as asking for money from unwitting people in the fedi… that is what we are talking about.

Then why did you change the subject? Because I never mentioned such an organization.

I think it's funny that you're so up in arms by me saying that I think #SoapboxFE is visually appealing lol like this is one of the strangest triggerings I've ever seen
It doesn’t matter what basis you’re pimping #soapboxFE on. You are baiting people to patronize a project that has a #falsePositioning problem.

> It doesn’t matter what basis you’re pimping #soapboxFE on.

You're acting like I'm a paid actor. Go ahead and ask @alex, he's the guy who runs the thing, but I'm telling you, I'm not even affiliated with the project. I just have eyes.

> You are baiting people to patronize a project that has a #falsePositioning problem.

How? You're making a lot of assertions about this project cornering people into a centralized system but you're at a deficit of proof...
We use Cloudflare because saying men aren't women got me banned a few times.

Anyone above is free to host copies of Soapbox without Cloudflare and ask for no money to do so, but they won't. 😂
is it true that cloudflare can see my DMs?
At the time you submit a DM to a CF instance, or when a DM federates to a CF instance, CF could intercept and read it. I doubt they retain that data. Use an E2EE solution like Signal if you care about having totally private conversations online.