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A revenge fan-art surprise for @gee 🤭

It's a fake cover reusing his superhero parody character "SuperFlu" (translation: "the useless adventure of SuperFluous"), a French comic published under CC-By-Sa ( you can read it here on Gee's website: )

Why an act of revenge? Because @gee published 2h ago his version of Pepper&Carrot here: , I had to do something 😝

(CW: a superhero in pants + eye contact)
A digital painting illustration of a fake cover of the comic "Superflu" ( superfluous) , it shows a superhero Superflu with an immense aura of power in his iconic tight costume with a kangaroo pant on the top. The title is "Les adventures inutiles de Superflu" which could be translated by "the useless adventure of superfluous", it has the CC-By-Sa logo, and the name of Simon Gee Giraudot at the scenario, and me, David Revoy, at the drawing.
😂 le slip kangourou est d'une qualité parfaite, le cahier des charges est respecté ! 👍
C'est devenu n'importe quoi les publications de #bd sur Mastodon 😅
Ah ah le bonheur ! Vous êtes trop bons ! On en veut encore ! @davidrevoy

web comic authors pranking each other... 🤦
merci pour le content warning, j'étais pas prête à tant de classe et d'élégance de si bon matin. Soir. Bref.
@Harkale_Linai Oui, le CW, ça permet aussi ça 😺 Bon matin. Heu, soir! 😇
ça clashe sévère ici, on se croirait sur twitter 😜

Ah quand le crossover avec @marien en guest ?