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This entry was edited (7 months ago)

Oh, nice! Don Norman's *The Design of Everyday Things* is on the Internet Archive! Anyone who hasn't read this book should go check it out; it'll change your life, or at least change your relationship with your entire built environment. #UX #UXDesign

This entry was edited (7 months ago)
that's the "phone book" edition I was talking about! thanks for finding it for me, i felt quite nostalgic paging through it just now
@technicat the original Mac UI devs noticed and solved so many problems in *1986* that more recent Web 2.0+ frontend devs just ignore -- like this one, *drag delay* -- solving the problem that when the user moves their cursor towards an item on a popup menu, the mouse may drift outside the lines momentarily *en route*, so you should make sure not to close the menu prematurely; these days lots of popup menus instantly pop closed if you stray outside their bounds #UI #UX
This entry was edited (7 months ago)