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Trump's conversation with Musk was a doozie

Besides the usual stupid, he lisped all through, like maybe he had his dentures out...?

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A comment I'd made on another social network ...

Elon: I've been thinking about making a CyberBoat.
Trump: Just don't make the batteries too heavy. You don't ... what if the … water comes … batteries get wet, they stop working.
Elon: That's not how batteries work, Sir.
Trump: I know more about batteries than most electricians. My uncle taught at MIT. What are you going to do about the sharks?
Elon: Sharks?
Trump: There have been a lot of shark attacks lately, have you noticed? I just don't want the batteries to get wet and stop working, because the boat will sink.
Elon: That's not how boats work, Sir.
Trump: Why don't you use goddamned sails?
Elon: What?
Trump: Sails!
Elon: Wind power?
Trump: Yes! Oh, wait, that would mean dead birds. But maybe you could feed the dead birds to the sharks, so when the boat sinks because of wet batteries, the sharks won't be hungry ...

I always wondered if DJT's speech issues were because of bad-fitting or improperly-worn dentures. The other explanation is Teh Drugz.
@Bob Lai I think you may be giving Elmo too much credit

TBH, I haven't listened to a lot of Elmo speaking, so I just made him another brain-dead ass-kisser.

The 'goddamned sails' remark from DJT was inspired by his reaction to the EMALS (electromagnetic catapult) system on the USS Gerald R. Ford. He complained that the Navy should just use 'goddamned steam,' and would later complain that the magnets wouldn't work if they got wet.

Of course, neither remark got more than the usual 'fart and roll over' response from the media.

Updated: The UAW has sued Trump & Musk for violating labor laws in response to Trump's heaping praise on Musk for using 'scabs' and firing uncooperative labor. (+/-)

And just coming on all the evening news that I've skimmed around, the battle of the #cognitive viruses - Drumpf & Musk, is a top story (teased: Stay tuned!). Cute.

That and Walz responding to JD that it's proper to respect one's service...