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Asking Diaspora… While everybody speaks about the #pandemic, there seems to be another major social issue in the way… collective financial hardship!
  • In Peru, where I live, the USD - PEN exchange rate is devaluing the sol (Peru national currency) a little. This means imported products, and everything derived from them, will increase their price sooner rather than later.
  • In the United States, two professionals claim they expect a raise of up to 20 million tax debt cases this year. One of them is the owner of PitBullTax, a company that maintains a software for tax debt professionals.
How is your country doing lately? Do you also see winds of economic hardship where you live?

#society #finance #money
Do you also see winds of economic hardship where you live?
Winds? I sense a calm before the storm… the Federal Reserve doubled the amounts of US Dollars in just 4 years…