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  1. 'Tis the Year of the Azure Dragon.
@Kenny Chaffin Thank you, Kenny. The 2024 element is Wood and the color is green for the green of Spring trees. In the case of the Azure Dragon, it combines the blue of the sky - hence, the color azure. The Green/Blue (Azure) Dragon.
Kamala Harris was born in the year of the Azure Dragon. 1964.
- Tim Waltz was born in the year of the Azure Dragon. 1964.
During his interview for Vice President with Harris, it has been reported that she felt and instant connection with him, and above all others, she chose him.
Each is fantastic in his and own right. Together they are totally awesome
I wrote "We have Dragons!!"
I don't know what the future will be, but at least we will have these two great Azure Dragons on our side. We've seen and heard their power, and strength, combined with intelligence and goodness. We have champions going up against the ancient dragon, Satan.
I too was born/am a (Water) Dragon. 😀
This is our year! 😀
@Kenny Chaffin That's great! The color for the element of water is black. The are many beautiful illustration of the Black Water Dragon.