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Hello #friendica helpers. Can I ask you a question about installation Friendica with #yunohost.

I don't know how to acces with admin.
The same user as with the Yunohost admin?
do you have to create a user on #friendica? or this user is already created
For admin rights: When installation is complete, you will need to visit your domain page and login with the admin account username and password which was entered at the time of installation process. You can then create your profile and access the admin panel.
Yes I read this
But I don't understand it

I go to the friendica page. and I try to enter admin user with my yunohost admin password. .

Then I cannot login as the help say.

I am blocked and cannot go further.

something is wrong eitther my admin password. or admin 'name' or I don't know
During the installation you have specified an admin user. You must use this user.
Installation of friendica or yunohost?
of friendica
login console and then yunohost app install friendica