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Kevin that would be horrible idea activitypub is toxic
@thegreen cleanprogrammer
I am curious… Why or how is activitypub toxic?

At the rest of you… Congratulations! Diaspora* is a nicer and healthier social network.
I love the simple, intuitive interface of Diaspora. I have experimented with both Hubzilla when abandoned diaspora in favor of Hubzilla, and it was busy and bewildering. Same thing was true (but less extremely so) on a Friendica instance. As much as I share the "join the rest of the Federation" sentiment, I would hate to see diaspora's much nicer and simpler user interface become like the confusing and complicated jungle that the others have become.
@Tedel - I found this:
besides, have you people seen what friendica/hubzilla posts look like on activitypub?
it's theoretically parseable, but god damn it looks wrong.
these are two very different ways of formatting posts/text and sticking them together is quite messy.
Well that was technical, but scathing!
I am a activitypub user the way activitypub handled instance deferation is any user can block an instance. Diaspora is only admin level which. Many users block entire instances instead of one user @tedel
So a normal user can block a whole instance instead of one person even if they are not admin. This has lead to many Fedi dramas
Also activitypub would probably force its culture on diaspora. This is why I don’t agree. If it did join people would need to respect diaspora’s internet culture
I do use both but dispora has better community level guidelines and tod where activitypub’s doesn’t abd everything community guidelines is instance specfic
Also activitypub would probably force its culture on diaspora.
And just what is the culture like on activitypub?
Basically if a certain group is not liked anyone can instance block and that basically dogpiling or encouraging targeting
Sounds unfriendly.
It’s also a case where in diaspora if users don’t like a specific user they can’t instance block only admin can which is a better way in many scenarios
Which is why prefer diaspora on certain days
Thanks for the explanation.
Basically if a certain group is not liked anyone can instance block and that basically dogpiling or encouraging targeting
Sounds a little bit like what some of the users on Diaspora have been trying to do with #blocklist and #ignorelist.
That bothers me then because diaspora will end in the sane situation dramas activitypub had but hopefully not
I hope diaspora keeps instances blocking and random blocklist to a minimum unless really necessary
Thank you for the explanation about activitypub. I agree. I do not want that here. Individual users can block whomever they deem convenient. There is no need to make a server-level blocking available.
Great to be part of it.
Please tell me, is it possible to somehow turn off the automatic inclusion of notifications from the posts you like through the settings? When you just like a post, you then get a bunch of unnecessary notifications about comments. I know that you can turn off notifications directly on the posts, but doing it manually, with each post you like, is not very convenient.
Hi ! I am first time Diaspora user...what is that being on other social networks through Diaspora ?
Hi! I can tell You, embrace because more will come. FB has turned into tool bending humans, they got it wrong.Tools are made to help people bending enviroment and his surroundings.
hi, does anyone know how far away version 1.0 is from being out for productive environment?
ist there a way to see on github or elsewhere what is missing?
There is the 1.0.0 milestone. That might be incomplete, because not everything might be tagged correctly, and there's also other stuff to do, like cleaning up documentation etc.