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I know what "feminazi" stands for, I still thinks it's inappropriate to use that term.

I'll use my comparison with food diet again: you are saying you are an omnivore, and you don't like to be called a carnivore. But you eat meat, which constitutes being a carnivore. You don't eat only meat, granted, but "carnivore" is still more accurate to describe what you're doing than "not being a carnivore".

Being a feminist doesn't mean you aren't also anti-racist and LGBT-friendly. But explicitly "not being a feminist" has a special negative meaning that doesn't even approach what you are describing about being against all oppressions. Just take the label, it accurately describes a part of what you claim to stand for, and it will occur less confusion than rejecting it altogether.
I still don't want to be labeled or categorized. This is what social therapists warn about, that humans start to categorize other humans. Just be a human. And I'm ~80% #vegetarian and ~20% #vegan because I mostly eat vegetarian and very less vegan (still I like vegan a lot). But I stopped eating meat. I could eat it by just entering a Kebab shop and order myself one. But I don't want it. :-)
It's fine if you don't want to be labeled or categorized but you can't prevent other people from doing so. Categorization isn't inherently bad, it's what people do with it that can be bad. But then it isn't categorization anymore, it's discrimination.
Yes, true. And discrimination goes in both directions. I think I bring back the first T-Shirt and pullover at some point and let them criticize me as much as they want. Just as I said, at least they talk and think about it. :-) Mission accomplished!
Then how should we call a #feminazi instead? Real feminists are clearly against that those people are being called feminists, too. So 3rd-wave-feminists? Or man-hating-lesbians? Well, not all really hate men and not all are lesbians despite being both at the same time.

So how should we call them then? Okay, cellular entities. ;-)
Just don't call them anything. Please follow your own desire not to be labeled or categorized and extend this courtesy to other people.