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Do you bake during the holiday season?

#Poll #EvanPoll

  • Strong yes (31%, 138 votes)
  • Qualified yes (30%, 130 votes)
  • Qualified no (14%, 62 votes)
  • Strong no (23%, 102 votes)
432 voters. Poll end: 1 year ago

Evan Prodromou reshared this.

I don't want people to suffer my baking.
only when someone makes me. today someone is making me make a gingerbread house
As a matter of fact, I have never baked a think for any holiday. I have far more enthusiastic family members to thank for that.
@ParanoidFactoid is that some sort of stoner towel character I don't recognise
South Park reference. Yes, a dumb joke.
@ParanoidFactoid I'm 100% supportive! I hope that little towel gets high af
Wife can bake, I can cook. Bad things happen if we go out of our lane.

Also, she is not on Mastodon so I'm safe in sharing this truth... I think 😬
Technically, I bake before the holidays. It has become a tradition, I make a variety of European tea/butter cookies for family and friends and send them off in cookie tins. Usually 4-6 different types each year, the more popular ones are a repeat every year.
Usually but not so far this year! (So thank you very much for the delicious cookies.)
Delicious, I'm trying not to drink it all at once!
@fifilamoura yeah you'd have to go to the emergency room
Others are so much better at it and I prefer to support their efforts.

Content warning: dumb cannabis humour

Content warning: dumb cannabis humour

but I bake year round so .... I don't think I bake any **more** around the holidays - just different stuff.
There are a lot more people baking during the holidays than I thought. Good for you!

I am a strong yes. I make dozens of cookies for our friends and neighbours. I make fruitcakes and age them in bourbon for months.

I'm intrigued by the Christmas pudding. I might try making one in January and letting it age all year.
Christmas puddings are fantastic and lots of fun because, traditionally, you light them on fire. In my family they were never aged though because they were steamed puddings.
here’s my latest contribution.

Evan Prodromou reshared this.

I’m the cook in the family anyway, get plenty of practice all year 😀
the last couple years I made my great grandma’s sugar cookies. Don’t really have enough counter space for it this year tho 😔 but I’m making some rosemary and thyme bread for Yule/winter solstice! (a couple days late but hey at least I’m doing it)
Riffing off @evan 's poll, just what did you all #bake for the #holidays? Preferably with some background info, because I guess a lot of holiday baking has regional roots.