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Trolls & Legends
Here is a new illustration to announce I'll be the 8 and 9 April in Mons, Belgium, for signing sessions at the festival "Trolls & Légendes". Looking forward to meeting many of you!
#krita #ccby #MastoArt
#trollsetlegendes #trolls
A digital painting of a pacifist troll in a tent telling a bedtime story to young Pepper and Carrot, who are already sleeping. The tent is lightened by the warm light of the firecamp in the center, and the blue light of the sky get trough from both side of the tent.
lovely. It makes me think a little of "Legends and Lattes".
Ohhh I love it! What a nice guy. Such soft coloring, too.
Thank you for the new background image! 😀​
Tu me déçois, je ne te pensais pas capable de troller. #lol
@stemy lol, 👏 Bravo! 👍
I really love your style. Excellent work. Thanks for sharing!
Ooh, that's close enough to me that I can come. Looking forward to meeting you 🙂