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β€˜kiss me & you will see how important i am.’

sylvia plath (born #otd in 1932) was the first one to teach me that it’s quite okay not to be okay - & i’m not alone under her pedagogy.
since my first prepubescent brush with β€˜the bell jar’, i’ve lived by its imparted wisdom - most especially: β€˜if you expect nothing from somebody, you are never disappointed' - a credo for life that's much more optimistic than it first appears to be.
#mastoArt #literature #portraiture #sylviaPlath
portrait illustration of author, sylvia plath, by kat himmel.
colours are bright red & blue on a graphic background. portrait illustration of author, sylvia plath, by kat himmel.
colours are bright red & black on a plain yellow background.
portrait illustration of author, sylvia plath, by kat himmel.
colours are bright red & blue on a custard yellow background. portrait illustration of author, sylvia plath, by kat himmel.
colours are bright rust & teal on a graphic background.