Global directory
!Friendica Support
Das globale Verzeichnis für #Friendica ist ja seit längerer Zeit defekt bzw. tot.
Ist da überhaupt eine Reparatur geplant?
Das globale Verzeichnis für #Friendica ist ja seit längerer Zeit defekt bzw. tot.
Ist da überhaupt eine Reparatur geplant?
Ich kann das drehen und wenden, wie ich will, es funktioniert einfach nicht. Ich bekomme mein Profil nicht in dieses Verzeichnis.
Tuxi ⁂
•Hast Du unter /admin/site "Erweitert" auch das hier aktiviert?
•Tuxi ⁂
•Hm, okay. Dann keine Ahnung wo man da noch was drehen könnte. Sorry.
•@alfredb vielleicht bist du auch einfach der erste der sagt, dass da was klemmt?
@Hypolite Petovan there seems to be something wrong with adding new accounts to the global user directory.
Hypolite Petovan
•I've installed my one-man Friendica in late July last year, set up everything for publishing the server and my profile as well. But up to now, none of theme were published in the public directory. Somewhere in the admin panels, there is a button “Republish users to directory”, what didn't help either.
•@Hypolite Petovan @Tobias
After some debugging, I noticed that my profile was indeed submitted to and got a response of 200 OK.
See some details here.
Nevertheless, you guess it, I'm still not mentioned in the directory.😥
Hypolite Petovan
•Hypolite Petovan
•@Tobias @alfredb After a cursory inspection, it appears I didn't restore the cronjob when I moved server last year. 😅
I restarted it, but the queue is massive, so it may take several days to clear it.
Hypolite Petovan
•@alfredb @Tobias To give you an idea of the speed:
9 servers and 63 profiles processed per minutes, this means that in theory the queue will be cleared in about 1 000 cronjob runs, accounting for the additional servers and profiles added to the queue in the interval. Given the cronjob runs every minute, it should take about 17 hours to go through the queue.
Thank you for your patience!
•@Hypolite Petovan @Tobias
Great, I'm in. Thanks for fixing this.
OldKid ⁂
•@Hypolite Petovan my two instances and all users are still not displayed on /
•@OldKid The directory is fully opt-in. You're sure you and your users have enabled everything related?
@Hypolite Petovan
OldKid ⁂
•@OldKid Yeah, I saw the "Outdated Version" labels as well. The directory still seems to be under construction.
@Hypolite Petovan
Hypolite Petovan
Hypolite Petovan
•Hypolite Petovan