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How do we make blockchain domains work on the Fediverse?
Btw a blockchain domain is technically an NFT, so if you thought NFTs are stupid you’re wrong.
What are NFTs? I hear they are free as long as you screenshot it

it's like a really stupid way of owning digital art. The NFT itself is free with screenshots. The owner owns the price of the NFT. I never want to hear about them again lol it couldn't be more boring.
A Non Fungible Token doesn’t have to be an image, and it has lots of other possible uses:
I know I know but please I don't want to hear it lol. I already regret learning what I know
Okay but the people behind this Twitter account just removed a Fediverse server from the internet. They could do the same thing to Spinster dot XYZ and I’m telling you NFT domain names would make that impossible.
Doesn't Brave already have some kind of based DNS alternative?
Yes, but it ENS can’t be pointed at an IP address. This is an intentional design choice because IPs are “too centralized”. They’re trying to solve too many problems at once IMO. Don’t let perfect be the enemy of good.
I guess ideally you'd want sites to identify one other with something other than their domain name. I don't know who made that decision in the first place but it seems shortsighted.

I, the armchair designer, proclaim.
That’s what IPFS does. But you can only serve static files with it, making it useless for serving interactive websites.
I just meant in the context of ActivityPub. I don't know why you'd want to lock people into a single domain.
Oh, yeah… “identity management” is one of the big issue nerds have with ActivityPub.
Here ya go, its not much but its somethin that will at least cover our ass should the troon brigade stumble across spinster. Your welcome everyone.

Can't instances federate via #Tor? What about IP addresses?
I think Tor serves a different purpose. The domain name on a blockchain is to avoid censorship. Tor is used for anonymity and isn’t decentralized
It actually is decentralized. The main downside of Tor is that it’s SLOW AF
Your request hops through multiple regular peoples’ slow laptops and phones before reaching its destination.
Bammmmmm son! Even went the extra step of making it too legit to quit for realzies. Now those XYZ asshats can’t neckbeards Spinster right? @alex@sunspot@Piss_Ant@realcaseyrollins
the reason that “NFTs” are stupid is that they are a particularly nonsensical form of fiat: this token is equivalent to this image because i say so. to make an NFT-based domain name system viable, the claim would have to actually be true. the NFT must in some technically meaningful way be the DNS record.
Yes, it requires adoption by browsers. Brave adopting ENS is a good start.
Is that similar to ipfs?
ipfs would be useful for other reasons, but a blockchain domain is basically an NFT where the content is the name. Browsers would have to add special resolvers for them.
I remember @graf had a domain like that for like a day or something?
We were experimenting with it, but this situation with Neckbeard is a good reminder why it needs to be fully realized.
we make it query the blockchain. So you need a full node to resolve unless you're paying for a hosted service that provides them. Unfortunately not everyone will pay for that and configure it so we have to try to make it free.

This might be a service that can be provided as part of other projects I'm involved in at the moment. Worth considering anyway
wait I have an idea but I don't know if it's good. In my experiments I learned that IPFS can resolve .eth names. You could store your IP address in the content hash on IPFS as a plaintext file, fetch and parse it with Pleroma

If you sign a message containing the IP and store that in the text file you could verify its authenticity cheaply. So there's a layer of security too
you could cache it for quite a long time. Hell you could even federate it as another way of spreading it. Newest timestamped version is source of truth.
also we really should host content on IPFS via MediaProxy. It would collectively make federating media better for us. And if you lost your media you could recover most of it from the caches of all your peered Pleroma instances as they'd be using IPFS too and probably have copies. Old stuff might get lost though.

Other ideas: small cache for most people's instances but they can make a low specced archive node with big slow storage that all media uploaded to your instance Pleroma gets pinned to. If needed you just pull a copy from the archive node quickly, you wouldn't even notice.

Also serves as a media backup
Definitely, IPFS would be a perfect fit for media on the Fediverse. It’s not even hard to imagine how that would work. Someone just needs to do it.

Blockchain domains are unsolved, I think. Pleroma could query it, but the browser needs to as well. There’s no use for federation without users. So I think we need A, AAA, CNAME, and all the standard DNS crap in ENS. Then it would be really viable.
ipfs is ideal but getting people to support opennic resolvers for a start would be nice. + emercoin already has an agreement with them for blockchain domains (

or we could just say fuck it and make our own dns with blackjack and hookers
Convince Brave to ship with OpenNIC by default and it might be viable. this issue hasn't gotten much traction, time to start harassing them on social media? :)
I like it, though it doesn’t reimagine the problem, just introduces a competitor.
building out your own media CDN becomes stupid simple too. Oban jobs to auto pin media upon upload and preconfigured IPFS nodes that know to peer with each other directly.
id federate the IPFS hash as an extra field and have instances fall back to fetching from IPFS if the server is unreachable or rate limited, and then put in some sane rate limiting on media. Really popular stuff will have to spread by the whole fediverse's IPFS mesh and there won't be as big of a bandwidth cost to the origin