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Good morning #mastoadmin! :blobcatcoffee:

I was expecting at least 4-5 more servers in my reports list when I woke up, unexploited agents yet sent to the dark side of #spam through unmoderated registration, but amazingly, zero. Were you so lucky?

  • No spam this morning! (50%, 9 votes)
  • One server, not bad. (5%, 1 vote)
  • The relentless torrent never stops! (0%, 0 votes)
  • Not an admin, just want to see results! (44%, 8 votes)
18 voters. Poll end: 7 months ago

FYI, the script kiddie spammer got arrested, which is why there isn’t any more SPAM. When I woke up, the SPAM Bots stopped sending out SPAM.

feds got to ctkpaar???

(from ctkp)