Progress on my next project. I have so many more triangles to make but the next phase involves stitching some of these together so I thought I would show the big piles. #crochet #fiberarts
It’s starting to look like an actual thing! Here are all the octagons and groups of 3 triangles sewn into circles, next step is to sew it together with the pieces that go between. I’m not sure yet if it’ll lay flat, the square pieces are a lot looser than the rest 😅
Finished, except maybe for blocking! The creator said just wash and tumble dry if you use her recommended yarn, but it’s still not quite flat 😅 I wish now that I had simplified the color scheme, I think it would actually look better with less variation between the different sections, but live and learn I guess. #crochet #fiberart
the pattern called for 25 skeins of 322 yds each, though I needed one less of the white because I sewed it together instead of crocheting, and I have a decent amount left of a bunch of the colors, so somewhat less than 7,728 yards... which sounds like so much when you multiply it out like that 😆
•Hypolite Petovan
•jan mute suwi lon poka sina
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