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Progress on my next project. I have so many more triangles to make but the next phase involves stitching some of these together so I thought I would show the big piles. #crochet #fiberarts
8 piles of crochet triangles in 4 patterns, 4 piles of squares
Starting to put it together. I didn’t like how the pattern said to do it so I’m improvising 😅
Crochet triangles from the previous post stitched together into an octagon with points sticking out from 4 sides
I’m going to end up with so much extra white yarn this way
More triangles! These are the last triangles, next is more sewing and then octagons.
Stacks of crochet triangles in various colors. There are 108 triangles.
The same stacks of triangles from the side. They are stacked 6 or 10 high.
Octagons are done! Those are the last pieces, now I have to see it all together. #crochet #fiberarts
A pile of 9 octagonal crochet pieces. They have a triangular pattern on each side with puffs between two lines. The pattern has 4 different shades of purple radiating from the center on a white background. All of the crochet pieces from this thread. The triangles are already sewn together into bigger chunks. All together the piles of pieces take up a good part of my dining table.
The same octagons, straight on so you can see the pattern better
It’s starting to look like an actual thing! Here are all the octagons and groups of 3 triangles sewn into circles, next step is to sew it together with the pieces that go between. I’m not sure yet if it’ll lay flat, the square pieces are a lot looser than the rest 😅
Close up of one of nine circles made of many crochet pieces sewn together. There is an octagon in the center with squares and sets of 3 triangles on alternating sides. It looks a bit like stained glass with the different colored pieces.
9 circles laid out in a square on a bed
Finished, except maybe for blocking! The creator said just wash and tumble dry if you use her recommended yarn, but it’s still not quite flat 😅 I wish now that I had simplified the color scheme, I think it would actually look better with less variation between the different sections, but live and learn I guess. #crochet #fiberart
A crochet blanket spread out on a bed. There are 9 circles of pieces made of light colors with pieces made of dark colors between, with a striped border all around. The overall impression is pink and purple. Same blanket, different view
Same blanket, different view
wow, that's gorgeous! how much yarn did that take? 😅
the pattern called for 25 skeins of 322 yds each, though I needed one less of the white because I sewed it together instead of crocheting, and I have a decent amount left of a bunch of the colors, so somewhat less than 7,728 yards... which sounds like so much when you multiply it out like that 😆