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#salary #talk #classwar

N. E. Felibata 👽 reshared this.

You gotta play that by ear. While I agree you should absolutely discuss salary with your coworkers to make sure everyone is paid fairly... sometimes people will get angry because they aren't paid the same as you when they aren't even close to your level. Just because someone has the same title as you, and maybe more years of experience, doesn't automatically mean they do more work and deserve more or equal pay.

Also when discussing with friends and family... people can get really weird if you make more than them, especially if it's a lot more. People will start expecting you to pay for more stuff for them, ask for loans and then not pay it back because 'it's not like you need it', etc.

So, know your audience but don't let the idea of rudeness or being against the rules stop you.

Indeed, people are weird like that.

"It's rude to discuss your salary."

cousin of

"that's a conspiracy theory"

in the family of gaslighting psyop phrases to protect the rigged game.
