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So Meta (Facebook/Instagram) want to get into the Mastodon space.

Will it work? Will people prefer that certain-to-be-unfederated federation?

Here's a Reddit screenshot that is an interesting take on where things are with Mastodon and concerns moving forward.

#Mastodon #Meta #Federation #Dev #Tech
Reddit conversation about the trouble with Meta and Mastodon in the federated space together.
With 1.3 mn active users, #Mastodon is but an ant in comparison to the 3,000 mn users of #Facebook.

#FB was created as a macho website and it's become a toxic space.

Maybe the #Fediverse should have a vote if it really wants to be hooked up to such a place?

Any individuals would still be free to join.

If #Meta were #Twitter, I'm sure about the vote.
#Meta is in the same league, though.

#FOSS does not mean that corporations can all join, regardless of their behavior + agenda.

Column chart comparing the most popular global social-media networks as of Januar 2023 in millions.

Picture of an anteater devourin ants with its giant tongue.

An ant is about 0.52 - 0.75 milimeters, an anteater up to 1.4 meters, so there are more than 2.200 active FB users for every active user of Mastodon in comparison.

This entry was edited (1 year ago)