I don't recommend rusy: Just today I got stuck in #rust' dependecy hell again. And rust (or #cargo) gas no notion of "pre-built libraries" like .a or .so - so a *lot* of electric power is wasted sins evetgthing needs to be compiled from source again and again. (AFASIK no Linux distro has a solution for this)
The electric power wasted depends a lot on the volume that gets processed during operation. When the service serves millions of requests, it makes sense to invest more energy upfront, because during operation that can pay off quickly. For a low number of requests, the ratio is different.
My point is about building the Software. It's like with cars: you need to save a lot of fuel to compensate the CO2 emitted when producing the car @banym
🍒🌳 Hartmut Goebel
•🍒🌳 Hartmut Goebel