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!Friendica Support

So, another mystery. Trying to subscribe to a relay, I keep getting
root@tepewu:/var/www/friendica# bin/console relay add couldn't be added
root@tepewu:/var/www/friendica# bin/console relay add couldn't be added

Friendica log shows nothing.
Such messages can mean that the relay possibly has got a positive list.
Not in case of - I only deny connections to/from other relays.
@8Petros. (Fediverse > Mastodon®) Have you tried the --force parameter? I hope it then works. The both relays you try to add are both reachable in browser. So that's not the cause. And please turn on debugging by increasing system->loglevel to debug. Maybe something shows up? And please turn it back afterwards to warning (yes, notice is the default, but that can cause a big logfile on systems with a lot federation).
"force" should only be used on unsubscribing from dead relays.
@Michael Vogel Hmm, maybe add a --do-it-as-i-say to the add command so people are 100% aware of what they do?
Could be something with SSL. It seems I get a timeout when I test the connection from my relay server to your domain. let me check...
Also I'm unable to connect via IPv6 but your server has a IPv6 address. Could be problematic
Unfortunately, this is a laptop on my window sill and the link is not configured for servers. The provider doesn't make any problems because of me having a server, but they will not get an inch beyond "access to internet" service.

Here is the output from #yunohost diagnostics – there is some cryptic problem indeed. It may be a matter of configuration of my local router, but I do not know how to manage it 🙁
The main problem is probably 'port 443 is not reachable via IPv6'.

I checked my logs. The relay has incoming requests from, but only via IPv6. Then, the SSL connection fails because port 443 cannot be accessed via your IPv6 address -> 'unable to connect'
So it seems that the solution would be either to make it send requests via IPv4 or somehow make port 443 available via IPv6.

I have no knowledge how to do it, but I am happy to try, under someone's guidance.
Well, looks like you're using some graphical interface to configure the server. You should look for IPv6 firewall rules. Maybe port 443 is simply closed in your servers IPv6 firewall rules.
When you don't need/use IPv6 you should completely disable it. The DNS request should not deliver a IPv6 address.

The other solution is to fully enable IPv6. That means, that the port 443 must be reachable.
I did it and right now I am trying to add libranet again.
@8Petros. (Fediverse > Mastodon®) And oh, I see root. Your normally should not use root for this, but a normal user account instead. For my server I use vuXXXX (while XXXX is a 4-digit number for each domain) to update my server. root has to much access to the system and we should stop this in ./bin/console.php if the environment variable LOGNAME or USER is root.
Thank you for spotting it. Tomorrow I will try it again.
@8Petros so how did it go? No news is good news?
No news is delayed news. I am just staring my day. Bear with me. :-)
So, I tried to get to "the installation base" without going sudo. Initially no cure, but then, suddenly!
admin@tepewu:/var/www$ cd friendica
-bash: cd: friendica: Permission denied
admin@tepewu:/var/www$ friendica/bin/console relay add
-bash: friendica/bin/console: Permission denied
admin@tepewu:/var/www$ friendica/bin/console relay add
-bash: friendica/bin/console: Permission denied
admin@tepewu:/var/www$ sudo friendica/bin/console relay add
Successfully added