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This is the republican party in the #USA and now #trump has Epstein's jet

Trump said that if Ivanka weren’t my daughter, perhaps I’d be dating her.”
β€œYou know who’s one of the great beauties of the world, according to everybody? And I helped create her. Ivanka. My daughter, Ivanka. She’s 6 feet tall, she’s got the best body.”
During a question and answer game, Williams asked Ivanka, "What's the favorite thing you have in common with your father?"
Ivanka answered, "Either real estate or golf" while Trump added, "Well, I was going to say sex, but I can't relate that to her."

#creepy AF #incest

N. E. Felibata πŸ‘½ reshared this.

He's a fucking pedophile! A destroyer of light-hearted childhoods.

How could such a fucking asshole, in any field, ever make a career ...

He should be in a prison!

What's he doing with those fingers?