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I had a pretty busy day yesterday Sunday, and yet at bed time around 11:30 PM I still was restless and played Cyberpunk 2077 for about 3 hours before finally hitting the sack.

These 3 hours are an #ADHD tax, and I’m going to pay for it in reduced energy until Wednesday, if and only if I don’t get restless again at bedtime for a couple nights, which may not happen, independently of my will.

I couldn’t have slept on time even if I had tried, I know it because it has happened to me before and I just ended up lying in bed, wide awake, with my brain still obsessing over something. In this case the best I can do is give in to my brain’s terrorism and do the thing I’m obsessing over before finally be ready for sleep a few hours later.

And it has nothing to do with my mood, I can be content like yesterday and still need this time for my brain to quiet down.

How does it work for you?


Only discovered my ADHD after 67 years last year.

This is exactly my experience.

At least I know what it is now.


@MikeK Better late than never, welcome to the club, it sucks a little!

Certainly does.

Last year was pretty tumultuous for me, both the realisation and the hoops I had to go through to get medication.

Been a hell of a ride so far.

Two things I've discovered about telling people about ADHD.

- The ones who need to be told what it's like say, 'but everyone is like that'
- The ones who have heard of it repeat the line 'it's a blessing and a curse'.

so I'm quite circumspect about who I tell.

Thanks for the nice response.


@MikeK I'm sorry you've received aggravating responses to your sharing about ADHD!
That's what happened to me last night, just replace Cyberpunk 2077 with Baldur's Gate 3. I still didn't fall asleep until two hours before my alarm went off to go to work.
absolutely the same here. i usually watch a video from “mr. carlsons lab” or i watch james condon fix a generator until either it is fixed or i fall asleep. i have now seen all of james condons videos, and i can fix generators. i fixed my own, i fixed one for my car mechanic, and i will fix a diesel/petrol hybrid generator for a farmer-neighbour next. even james did not fix one of those. input input input. brain wants to learn. especially non-computer stuff.
@Felix B. Ohmann At least it’s productive for you!
its a tradeoff. i would prefer healthy sleep, but that only works properly between 3am and 10am, which does not work due to kid most of the time. well. at some point it will work again.
the only thing that somewhat works is forcing myself not to sleep/rest too much during the day and then let the kid sleep in my bed as well so i cant watch videos until the sun comes up.
@Felix B. Ohmann I have a “no smartphone in the bedroom” policy that I enacted 10 years ago to limit the damage and it’s worked pretty well for me.
Played through a Genshin Story Quest during one of these "can't sleep anyway so let's do something fun until 3 am" stints.

I have to listen to podcasts to fall asleep, and have to queue them up carefully to get myself to rest:

1) a really fun one OR heated politics one that I'm absolutely NOT going to fall asleep to, just to give my body a chance to acclimatise to laying in the dark without my brain panicking that I'm trying to shut it down.

2) an interesting science one to emotionally come down but still be interested

3) a contemplative one, meditation, or some sleep sounds.

Sneaky lull to sleep.
