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no source, but the legendary a friend of a friend "antisemitism, the rumors about the jews", adorno

btw could happen, yes, jews are normal people, some of them are assholes, but compared and after to gangraping women to death, torture, hostages etc, there was no "The level of immorality and inhumanity!" towards hamas, instead "the comntext", and yes, that might be hard consequencies, but thank you hamas, play stupid games, win stupid prices

Hamas was created by Israel and not all Jewish people are Semites, most of the real semitic Jews are treated very badly, live in poverty in Israel and are not well respected at all. The Khazarian Jews, who are not Semites are who are causing very serious problems in Gaza and other parts of the world too.
hamas was created be the egyptian muslimbroherhood and likud-shas are mainly mizrahim parties
Yes, let's be correct. Hamas was created by the long-term actions of Israel, making a more militant and dangerous opposition to allow for more inhumane and draconian Israeli acts, over many years.
hamas was founded by the muslim brotherhood, get a damn history-book, fucking stupid antisemites! btw the myth, that the jews cause antisemitism is a classical antisemitism, luther&nazis did the same! fucking fascist scum!
but i see, it seems important to defend antisemitic rumors and alternitave facts without any source, when its against the "jewish state", i am not surprized, but of course it cant be antisemitism, because you are flawless like donald trump, who cant be racist or antisemitic too 0o
I'm not defending anything. Truth is the first casualty of war. And of course you're not denying that Hamas is a response to Israel. I support neither. I support the withdrawal of all settlements in the occupied areas. And a Palestinian state. Is that clear yet?

but hey, maybe israel should start to operate like hamas and then i try to find excuses for sexual torturing women and targeting and dismembering civilians by purpose?

ps i am still impressed, by the most failed genocide in the history, the population trippled in the last 30years, and thats while israel commited, according to abbas, more then 50 "genocides" against the palestinains 0o

No one is interested in your poor excuses,
Let me explain dickwit. If I have a shop in 1935, and then I open another shop in 1965, the second shop was not opened in 1935. Hamas was founded many years after the Brotherhood. Like the Brexit party grew mainly out of conservatism. It wasn't founded when the Conservative party was founded, just because it grew from there. Times change and responses change as in both case.

My dear,

At first I thought you were simply a deluded friend of the state of Israel, or a Netanyahu fanboy.

In the meantime, your comments under various posts and your own posts have led me to the conclusion that you yourself are a disgusting racist and a supporter of war and genocide.

I've already unfollowed and blocked you, unfortunately that doesn't really seem to work here on Geraspora* as I still get to see posts and comments under other people's posts.

That's a real shame as your inhuman comments make me sad and angry every time.

I wish you myself, which is normally far from my mind as I am a pacifist, a drastic experience like the one the Palestinians have been having every day for months now.
Perhaps it would make you think about the consequences, effects and perhaps about the background and triggers of this genocide.

In any case, I hope you see the light at some point ...


Hamas Was Founded by Mossad israel
Let us not forget that it was Israel, which in fact created Hamas. According to Zeev Sternell, historian at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, “Israel thought that it was a smart ploy to push the Islamists against the Palestinian Liberation Organisation (PLO)”.

Ahmed Yassin, the spiritual leader of the Islamist movement in Palestine, returning from Cairo in the seventies, established an Islamic charity association. Prime Minister Golda Meir, saw this as a an opportunity to counterbalance the rise of Arafat’s Fatah movement.

the brexit-party was not founded by labor, right? case closed!

und NSfelibata, du kannstz dich mal gepflegt ins knie ficken, du antisemitisches arschloch, wegen solcher nazi-enkel wie dir, haben juden und jßd!nnen hier wieder angst um ihr leben, wenn sie in der Üffentlichkeit hebräisch sprechen.
sich selbst fĂźr "links" halten, aber sich darĂźber freuen, wenn jĂźdische frauen zu tode vergewaltigt werden, ekelhaft!
und falls ich dich mal in irgendeiner linksradikalen Ăśrtlichkeit treffen sollte ..... ick freu mir, ich bin kein pazifist und weiss schon seit hoyerswerda und rostock-lichtenhagen wie man mit nazis "diskutiert"!

pps kauf dir mal ein geschichtsbuch, du dummes antisemitisches arschloch! :-*

zeev sternhell never claimed, that hamas was founded by mossad, thats a lie!

and yes, when the hamas was a strictly charity organisation, it was not a "terrorist" organisation, because they didnt used terrorist actions, that started after intifada1, get a damn history book!!

but at least, that link shows, that you are an proud antisemite, maybe and stupid fascist @N. E. Felibata 👽 now realize, that they follow nazi-propaganda, what do you 2 think about that openly antisemitic nazi-source?
hey, are is more "interesting informations" about the jews, israel and the middle east & @N. E. Felibata 👽 isnt that a good source for your antisemitic lies?

Can you show where I've posted any Nazi propaganda, in the almost 10 years on Diaspora Or anything that could be remotely considered as Fascist. Maybe I read Sartre.... Would that be enough?

Israel is a terrorist state with illegal nuclear arsenal. Much more dangerous than Hamas.


Auweia, ja danke, dass du dich selbst entlarvst.

Ad hominem, Beleidigungen, und Gewalt androhen ... na, da weiß man doch sofort welch Geistes Kind du bist!

Geh doch nach Israel und trete deinen Feinden, wie du die Palästinenser nennst, selbst entgegen. Aber dafßr scheint es dann doch nicht zu reichen ....

Dann doch lieber Geifern und Beleidigen im Netz, oder?

Schätze, im wahren Leben bist du der totale Waschlappen, und ein recht kleines Wßrstchen.

Geifer doch noch ein bisschen, um mir zu zeigen, dass ich falsch liege, go ahead Internet-Warrior! 👍

yes, because israel gangrapes women 2 death civilians, more evil then hamas 0o
the link from eileen, which "supports" your (false;) claim, that hamas was founded by israel or "caused" by israel

btw maybe someone could explain to me, why the nebu musa riots happend, 28years before the founding of israel?
and how the labour-party founded the brexit-party? the hamas "grew out" of the antisemitic muslim brotherhood, not of israel! and surprize, israel knows the latin divide et impera, like every politician in the world 0o
Yet again, ignores the nukes. Provides no evidence of Nazi/fascist insults.
ja, ich bin antifa, kein romantiker, du dummes antisemitisches arschloch, verbreite du doch einfach noch bissl mehr ezra-pound nazischeisse!
im gegensatz zu dir, kenn ich mich etwas in geschichte und politischer theorie aus (und weiss, wer ezra pound war und welche bedeutung der ua fĂźr italienische faschisten hat;)
aber du bist vermutlich frische 15 und dein "wissen" von tiktok oder instagram, aber hey, komm nach berlin, es wär mir ein "gefängnisausbruch" ;)
oh, you dont see the nazi-link
i am not surprized about your ignorance, even if itz a clearly antisemitic post, you dont critize it, you even refuse to distance yourself from it, you just claim, that you dont see it, like a true trumpist!
and yes, i dont care about the nukes, because the nukes are totally irrelevant in that current war (because israel has no intention to "genocide", if when it has the weapons;)

Of course, Hamas was fueled / caused by Israel.

How could injustice, oppression, exploitation and the killing of so many civilians over so many years not lead to resistance and rebellion ... Just fucking think what you would do if you were in their position.
Just sayin' but in vain with you, as I already know.

du dummes antisemitsches arschloch entschuldigst wieder gangrape2death, nicht anders haben die nazis die vernichtung der juden und jĂźd!nnen in europa begrĂźndet, du dummes kleines nazischwein!
aber was erwartet man anderes von einem kleine jungen, der sich vermutlich an den rape-rooms der hamas in gaza aufgeilt und ezra pound voll klug findet 😁
How could injustice, oppression, exploitation and the killing of so many civilians over so many years not lead to resistance and rebellion

1000years of persecution, discrimination and pogroms against "jews" under arab/muslim rule, like the pogrom of grenada and the farhud 1941

aber das dumme nazischwein will davon natĂźrlich nix wissen, entweder weil es dumm ist oder weil es ein nazi-schwein ist

Wie ich weiter oben schon erwähnte, mein kleiner Internet-Diktator,

Beleidigungen usw., usf. Geh doch selber mal kämpfen, und schau dir die Massaker an, du feiges Stßck.

Das war Ăźbrigens meine letzte Antwort an dich. Kann mit solchen Maulhelden wie dir, die niemals selbst Auge in Auge mit dem Feind standen, nichts anfangen.

Ehrlich gesagt, das kotzt mich einfach nur an. Gewalt verherrlichen, aber niemals selbst in der Schusslinie gestanden.

Einfach nur traurig, dich menschenverachtenden Schwätzer zu lesen.

SchĂśnen Abend noch, hoffe, du stehst selbst einmal vor einem Gewehrlauf, das wĂźrde dir die Gedanken ordnen ...

die niemals selbst Auge in Auge mit dem Feind standen, nichts anfangen.

hahahahaha tatsächlich, dümmer geht immer 😁

Bildbeschreibung hier eingeben
meine fresse, wär mir das peinlich, immer wieder vorgefßhrt zu werden, dass du so null ahnung von geschichte hast, dummes antisemitisches arschloch!
Yes, we understand that you don't care about illegal nuclear weapons, as long as Israel has them and no one else.
How could injustice, oppression, exploitation and the killing of so many civilians over so many years not lead to resistance and rebellion

1000years of persecution, discrimination and pogroms against “jews” under arab/muslim rule, like the pogrom of grenada and the farhud 1941

That's not an answer, again, unless the answer is "revenge".

You seem to have worked out that people [like the Jews] rebel after years of oppression and injustice, but don't transfer that moral position to the Palestinians. How does that work?
btw and i am a bit impressed, that you all refuse to distance yourself, even when itz just words, from that obvioulsy nazi-link? is it such a shame, to confess, that there are old-school-nazi-antisemites in your lines?
I don't think anyone said that Israel caused any pogroms did they? Apart from the present one against the Palestinian civilians.
i dont have a problem, to condem all the racist and antisemitic "israel-supporters" 😁
so the 7octobre wasnt "the greates antisemitic pogrom since auschwitz"? what was the 7octobre then? and i didnt wrote, that "israel didnt caused the pogroms", i wrote, that "israel didnt caused the antisemitism", but enlighten me, what caused the pogroms, if it wasnt arab/islamic antisemitism/antijudaism?

I have said repeatedly that I don't support Hamas. I've asked you to show anywhere I have defended a Nazi or fascist cause.

I don't care about what you think about being a communist. It doesn't justify Israel's nuclear weapons. They are a threat to the surrounding states. Israel has not complied with independent inspection. You being a communist doesn't answer for that.

You accept of course that IDF murdered Israelis?
How could injustice, oppression, exploitation and the killing of so many civilians over so many years not lead to resistance and rebellion

I don’t think anyone said that Israel caused any pogroms did they?

so maybe explain to me, why did "the jews" never acted genocidal like hamas at the 7octobre? even when they had that bad experience nearly 1000years? and why do 70-50-30 years of "occupation" excuses/explains it, when it comes from hamas (not "the palestinians";)?
these are obvious double standards, like the double standard you have, when itz about "the rumors about the jews" vs the proof/evidences about the hamas-atrocities of the "greatest antisemitic pogrom after auschwitz"?

How many Israelis did IDF kill in their pogrom?
You accept of course that IDF murdered Israelis?

yes, war is terrible and collateral damages happens, but i doubt, that it was "murder" because there is no intention, itz collateral damage, but thats something differently, then the targeting of civilians from hamas, they gangraped, dismembered, tortured and slaughtered civilians by purpose, something the idf doesnt!

The clear intention was to forget making a distinction about where Israelis might be. If a vehicle is leaving the area and you think it might contain hostages, and you blow it up, what are you arguing? That it was a mercy killing?
what are you talking about? israel is making several investigations, where they made mistakes and you are asking hypothecital questions? you strongly avoid the main question, what drives hamas, what fuels thats conflict differently, then any conflict in the world and i tell you, it is the war against jews, plain and simple!
if you insert antisemitism in the calculation, that war is pretty easily to explain and the known historical facts support that explaination!
The clear intention was

that is your interpretation, i would claim, that it had been mistakes, because of the quick response, but after i explained to you, what i think, maybe you explain to me, how israel caused the antisemitism, which caused the pogroms and why "the jews" never targeted tortured, dismembered, gangraped, kidnapped and slaughtered "muslims"/"arabs" like hamas did to "the jews"? even when their history of oppression is 10times longer and much more lethal then the "arab/palestinian history of oppression"?

or you explain to me, what causes your obvious double standards, just dont switch from one topic to the next one and get a damn history book!

That is not my interpretation, but the interpretation of an IDF colonel. That a directive was implemented, so firing on vehicles which might contain hostages, leaving the scene, is not unintentional. It's indiscriminate.

As we agree, IDF ground forces were removed from the area prior to the attack,

I haven't claimed that Israel caused antisemitism. There is an argument to be made that Israel is helping to perpetuate it. The rest of the world would like to know why Israel is allowed and even helped to have illegal nuclear weapons, and the rest of the world doesn't care whether or not you are a communist.

You ask "what drives Hamas?".
But you answered. "Every dead Palestinian is a win for Hamas". Israel is driving Hamas.
itz allways the jews fault, no matter what, so what was driving the nebu musa riots? the pogrom of grenada? the farhud?

You again accuse me of things I haven't said, which contradict what I have said, and again you ignore the illegal nuclear weapons.

“Every dead Palestinian is a win for Hamas”.

It's your comment. And no one is bvlaming the Jews. The state of Israel may be called a Jewish state, but it certainly doesn't account for "all" Jews, their actions or their beliefs or their complicity in these acts. According to your opinion, many Jews are now antisemites. Because of ignorance, Jews in places other than Israel might be under threat because of the actions of an Israeli state they don't even support. Like the many Germans who spoke against Nazism.

oh, so the antisemitic pogroms before 1916 didnt happend? ever heard from the weizmann-faisal agreement? why are the jews the only "nation", who doesnt deserve a state?

ps itz allways nice to give sources, as far as i know is the balfour-project a self delcared "antizionist" project, which means, only the "jewish" nationalism is evil, the famouse double standards

and yes, i dont care about the israeli nukes, like you dont care about the pakistani, the indian or the chines nukes, because they have nothing to do with the current conflict, hamas is not critizing the israeli nukes, hamas wants to genocide "the jews"! and that is the current war about!

so it was balfour 1916, what caused the baghdad manifesto 1011 and granada 1066?

ps the german holocaust wasnt caused by the action of jews, which is, funfact, a classical antisemitic trope, the jews cause the antisemitism is what antisemites think 😁

but i am still impresses that balfour caused the "arab hostility to jews" 😁
