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First #RaspberryPi earned a shitstorm by hiring an ex-cop specialized in hidden surveillance.

Now they accept an investment by Sony for their propr. AI engine to be included in the next Pi. Which "only sends metadata to the cloud".

They went IPO.

Here's a list of alternatives:

N. E. Felibata 👽 reshared this.

Raspberry pis are overrated. For the same price you can get a small nuc with more power
That Thing ist for Hardware or Software tinkering, since you can Put soo many OS s on that , you simply Put some other OS in IT, and away you Go, i have one raspi3 with Upribox, very effective Spam vilter,/black hole, another with Steamplay to beam all my Games to the TV, and ≥ 10 Mio Sold Units, i would call that a success

I would not use/buy a Raspberry Pi.

It was never a fully opensource board.

Probably never will be. There are better boards available!