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How often do you clean the toilets in your house?

#EvanPoll #Poll

  • Daily or more (3%, 13 votes)
  • Several times per week (12%, 49 votes)
  • About weekly (52%, 199 votes)
  • Monthly or less (31%, 119 votes)
380 voters. Poll end: 1 year ago

Evan Prodromou reshared this.

European toilets need more active cleaning than North American ones, but don't clog like NA ones do.
You get what you measure.
how do you define cleaning?
I have an outhouse. I have never needed to clean it, probably decadely is the answer for me.
Toilet cleaning is a scam manufactured and perpetuated by Big Peroxide. Toilets are natural and have their own microbiome which stabilises if left for a couple of months. The aroma and colour are normal and indicate that the process is working.
Don’t hate the player, hate the system
TBH I'm a visual person, so I clean it when I start to see gunk, which happens more quickly in warmer weather, requiring more frequent cleaning than in winter.
depends on how runny the shit is 😜
You don’t have to do a poll on this because everyone cleans toilet daily… WHAT?
Brush - Daily or more
Bleach - About weekly
Limescale remover (we live in a hard water area) - Monthly or less
Every 2-3 weeks or as needed
This is a really good poll.

Thanks to everyone who responded.

I'm the bathroom cleaner in our house and I do my work on Fridays.

It sucks; I'm 6'2" and I don't like getting down on hands and knees to get all around the bases.

I also use a lot of different rags for different solvents, parts of the bathroom, washing and drying.

But it really makes everyone in the house happy, so I like having it done.