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What kind of milk do you use? Check all that apply.

#Poll #EvanPoll

  • Animal (cow, sheep, goat, ...) (65%, 363 votes)
  • Grain (oat, rice, ...) (41%, 227 votes)
  • Tree nut (almond, cashew, hazelnut ...) (33%, 183 votes)
  • Pulse (soy, chickpea, pea, ...) (24%, 133 votes)
553 voters. Poll end: 1 year ago

Evan Prodromou reshared this.

multi-selection did not work, maybe client bug?
@jeff I don't know! This is what it looks like to me in an incognito window. I can select multiple items.
Screenshot of a poll asking about types of milk people use, noting the square check boxes to allow multi-select.
looks like Ivory doesn’t support these yet! Bummer. But to add to the discussion, I discovered vegan whey recently, and it’s great!

I use this:
@jeff make sure to report it to the devs!

I run 4.1.0rc and it doesn’t support multi-select polls. I believe you are seeing a display bug in 4.0.2.

Test instance , try it with a browser
the only milk I can drink is unadulterated animal milk. All of the non animal stuff uses fillers/binders that trigger my migraines.
have you ever tried making your own plant-based milk? I haven't, but it doesn't seem that hard.
This entry was edited (1 year ago)
yeah, we do on occasion. That works. Pretty simple.
It's pretty easy to make basic versions. They're generally watery and not as rich though. Making something that is smoother, creamier and richer is more complicated and often requires slightly more esoteric ingredients like xantham gum or carageenan.
Cow's milk for tea, almond milk for everything else.
Cow based milk products like cheese, cream, and butter for cooking, but plant (macadamia) based 'milk' with drinks like smoothies or tea, and for pouring over my oatmeal.
@aroom I understand your meaning but I don't think that's how you want to talk to a stranger on the internet. It sounds really confrontational. "One's mother" might be better, even if it sounds formal.

/cc @vesperto
@vesperto the one from your mother I guess
@vesperto formal is good for me. thanks for your note.
I love that one of the oldest written attestations of “mylk” in Old English is referring to oat milk. And of course, the Latin for lettuce (lactuca) is a derivative of the Latin for milk (lac), because of the milky white sap.
A mix of oat (+chia) and soy made by me with oat, chia and commercial soy milk.
I don’t drink any type of milk
@LittleSteps2B try on the Web. Some clients don't support multiple choice polls.
Not really a measure of anything voluntary in my case. I use oat milk, and one specific brand of it, at that, because it's the only one that doesn't contain something I can't eat.

haven't tried pea milk, but an experience with early pea-based protein powder left a lot of room for improvement.

Nothing quite like a choco-yoghurt-blueberry-banana smoothie with a strong green-pea undertaste.
none! I don't like soup that much either, so maybe it's a viscosity thing.
Milkadamia unsweetened vanilla.
organic bovine milk.
Flax is a grain, right?
Per definition, there is only milk.
It´s use is feeding infant mammals. The rest are vegan emulsions.
Very excited about the future of cow-less real milk
This is cool! Thanks for everyone who replied.

Our household is about 75% cow, 25% oat.

My dream is to make rice milk with wild rice (Zizania aquatica) from native plants here in Quebec. 🤞🏼
rice will smoothie very well when cooked with extra water. I don't like the rice milk from the store, but I do like rice smoothies made at home. I haven't tried it with wild rice yet, but it seems like it would taste good.

Evan Prodromou reshared this.

I’m mildly lactose intolerant so I’ve never really kept cow milk in the house other than for cooking or adding to coffee.

Unsweetened soy milk is probably the only alternative I’ve tried that I’ll actually drink before it spoils.

I didn’t realize at first that the “plain” soy milk was sweetened and I think that put me off it at first