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Are you prepared to make a run for it?

#EvanPoll #Poll

  • Strong yes (16%, 31 votes)
  • Qualified yes (27%, 51 votes)
  • Qualified no (21%, 40 votes)
  • Strong no (33%, 61 votes)
183 voters. Poll end: 1 year ago

For some values of "it".
we live in wildfire danger area so yes, we have backpacks etc all ready to grab and go all the time.
Ready to make a run to the border to live mas
@ckape just mentally and emotionally or do you have equipment
Well, it's not far and I expect most of what I will need to live mas will already be there
I'm ready to fight a guerrilla war if Texas rebiblicans invade.
I was trying to think about what I might be running from.

Reminds me of the old Taco Bell commercials though...

🙄 C'mon, champ. You seriously can't imagine a scenario where you have to make a run for it?

If you really need help, imagine it's the Mafia. You finally got on the wrong side of the mob, and now you have to skip town!

Are you prepared for this contingency?
✅ Cash (I have a fair amount of cash on hand but most is in bank, would have to get to one)
✅ Guns and Ammo (except no sidearm)
✅ Passport (but I’d have to stash the weapons)
✅ Offroad capable vehicles, in case we need to get physically off grid.
❌ Hit or miss on bottled water and provisions.
❌ Not prepared to recharge/refuel if deep off grid.

I could lay low in cheap hotels on cash or I could fly out of the country but then I’d leave a bigger trail.
I've never stopped running.
all of those non-knife-carrying people can go ahead and answer "strong no" 😂
it depends entirely on how long it takes me to get the cat into his kennel
Vague questions get random answers. I run a lot, so I may think of different things to others. Of course if 'it' is a rabbit then I can rustle up a run from wood and netting.

Thank you for the opportunity to practice using my FAQ!


Q: This question is vague!

A: This is usually intentional.

I want to know about how people feel, think and behave.

The most interesting questions in those areas are often used with very high level language.

That language is usually vague.

This can be frustrating for some people, who get uncomfortable with vague questions.

I'm sorry if that's the case for you. You're more than welcome to do something with your time besides answering vague polls!

#EvanPollFAQ #EvanPollFAQVague

This entry was edited (1 year ago)
It is, but perhaps mainly in the context of committing a crime
I think this one was hard for people to engage with.

I am a qualified no. If the NSA was going to pin the blame on me for a crime I didn't commit, or the zombie apocalypse started, or whatever, I would be emotionally committed but physically unprepared to make a run for it.

I'd need cash, nonperishable food, gold or something?, maybe a disguise? I could shave off my moustache, probably, for a quick changeup.

I have a lot of family ties. My servers need me.
qualified yes in that I have enough of a “go bag” and cash that I could make myself scarce pretty quick if I needed to.

If I had to leave the country or the reason I needed to run involved money no longer working, well, I’d be sol.
I meant like... For a bus.