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I want to start Canadian member-owned cooperative to run Mastodon servers in Canada.

Similar to but Canadian.

Notes here:

Copied in thread below:

Cutting out my friends here. I want to give an update.

We're stalled.

We're ready to incorporate and start setting up a server, but.

We're looking around the room, and we're not seeing the reflection of the Canada we want to be.

We're almost all white anglophone women and men.

We don't want to start this and diversify "later".

We want to take our first steps in the right direction.
why not start more than one server ? Here in Belgium, we are stating one for everyone, with a small group of people wanting to grow (the founding members) and at the same time another server dedicated to people interested in education and willing to support it.
So, I'm asking, as embarrassing as it is that I don't have enough diversity in my network to do it on my own:

Can you amplify this to help us find #francophone, #Black, #indigenous, and #Asian #Canadian people, able and willing to do the hard work of helping a group remember to take diverse needs into account at the offset, so we can make a good #SocialSpace for everyone from the get go?

If that sounds like you, bless you, could you let me know so we can get a conversation started?

pay them $$$$$ or gtfo

Thanks and good point. People who do that work deserve to get paid.


There's no organisation yet to pay anyone anything.

We're seeking a founding team for a member-run co-operative.

If we were to raise money to pay these founding board members, it'd mean there's already a thing (the thing that raised the money) for them to join.

It's a real chicken-and-egg problem.
I was being cheeky but the point is serious. the "hard work of helping a group remember to take diverse needs into account" is YOURS. read the books, have the conversations, question why your circle is so white, and think about what could be done to make others feel welcome
@xlrobot absolutely the case!

But there's no substitute for lived experience.

I overemphasized the hard work in this, without emphasizing the potential benefits.

At a collective level, the opportunity to tailor a social network to the needs of underserved communities does not come around often.

At a personal level, we're literally looking for board members on a 5-person board. The potential for getting paid in the future is there. And the chance to put ideas into motion is great.
@xlrobot also, I think we recognise that Black or Indigenous people, visible minorities, 2SLGBTQIA+ people, have less free time, energy, risk tolerance and personal infrastructure to participate in volunteer technology initiatives without compensation.
I appreciate the honesty here. Also, as a Guatemalan-American who spends a fair amount of unpaid time doing this hard work, this message strikes me as unlikely to attract folks who could help.

In the post, you are asking people to give time and "hard work" into something that doesn't seem to have a clear payoff, especially given that even noticing/remembering these things seems difficult for your group.

Is there a way for you to reverse the power dynamic in your appeal and offer resources/time/energy/listening, and earn the respect of people who are too often burned by entering situations like this?

I offer this comment in the sincerest good faith.
thanks. That's really helpful.

I was trying to acknowledge that the role is difficult, and I forgot to say how it could be rewarding.

In general, because together we can make social networking fit lived experience in Canada better for everyone.

In particular, for the person involved, it's a chance to put ideas to the test, and solidify a reputation in social media theory and practice.
Hi Evan - has there been any action from the Google form so far? I filled it out and haven't heard anything, want to make sure I'm not missing anything.
@kevin you're not! We started collecting contact info on Friday. We'll probably have a "town hall" meeting this week. American Thanksgiving is a great time for Canadians to meet.
Canadian member-run co-op

2. 1 co-op membership gets you 1 fediverse account with fixed allowances (uploads, API use, toots per day, etc.) plus a co-op vote

3. has local services per neighbourhood or city, but membership is national

4. run a first emergency server nationally to catch the next wave of Twitter migration
5. Member run, nobody gets paid for now

6. CAD$60/year membership fee

7. I just registered so let's use that as a name for now
- 4 other people to be directors/incorporators. Diverse voices, including women and nonbinary, 2SLGTBQIA+, Black, Indigenous, fr/en, needed up front.

- Someone to fill out the paperwork

- Someone to collect and manage $$

- Someone(s) to set up the server on Canadian k8s service