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What is the likelihood that you would recommend following me to a friend or colleague?

#EvanPoll #Poll #NPS

  • Very likely (35%, 70 votes)
  • Somewhat likely (31%, 62 votes)
  • Somewhat unlikely (17%, 35 votes)
  • Very unlikely (15%, 30 votes)
197 voters. Poll end: 1 year ago

Evan Prodromou reshared this.

dang, net promoter score?
This feels like it should be the first question in a very long survey where I am asked to write a paragraph about my response to each question 😅
the polls are like an expected thing now. You can't stop.
I do not play that game on any site ,not even the bank...
very likely with the probability of 1.0.
don't recall ever expressly recommending following (which I assume this poll is about) anyone, so very unlikely. But following I guess is a passive recommendation, and you were probably on my blogroll years ago and probably would be again, which feels a bit less passive, so bumped up to somewhat unlikely.
"How would you rate my driving?"
✅ I will tell my friends and neighbors about Prodromou®
depends on the friend and their interests. But sure, you have a good feed. "Would follow again."