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Will you celebrate St. Patrick's Day 2023?

#EvanPoll #Poll

  • Strong yes (7%, 24 votes)
  • Qualified yes (13%, 44 votes)
  • Qualified no (22%, 73 votes)
  • Strong no (57%, 188 votes)
329 voters. Poll end: 1 year ago

Evan Prodromou reshared this.

i might make soda bread!
It's my Dad's birthday. His name is Patrick. 😀
Got a bunch of recent Irish immigrants in my neighborhood who throw a banger party every year. One of the many reasons I advocate making friends with neighbors.
it’s a public holiday here in ireland, so “yes by default”.

when our kids were younger we’d take them to see the parade, which in “ruburban” ireland can be quite a thing… now that they’re all 15+, they’d probably die of embarrassment if we suggested it, and the older two will probably be working to get the time-and-a-half wage.

will use the holiday to take it easy, maybe call on friends, and will watch rte’s coverage of local parades in the evening.
I'll celebrate me day and cross my fingers that no friends or family gift me stupid St Paddy's day themed shyte.
It's a really good day to avoid the amateur drinkers
@robb_munson so, someone who hates Christmas is a Grinch or a Scrooge. What do you call someone who hates St. Patrick's Day?
@robb_munson I asked @micheleann this question and she said "Irish", which I thought was pretty good.
certainly not like I used to, but I will partake of some very, very expensive 18-year-old reserve Irish whiskey. 😀
That's too bad!

I'm a qualified yes.
I'm not Irish and don't live in Ireland. Mind you I don't really mark St George's day, but then we don't have local traditions for that. St Paddy seems to be an excuse for lots of drinking. Who needs an excuse for that? Not that I drink much these days.