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Have you ever planted a tree?

#Poll #EvanPoll

  • Strong yes (68%, 257 votes)
  • Qualified yes (17%, 66 votes)
  • Qualified no (6%, 25 votes)
  • Strong no (7%, 29 votes)
377 voters. Poll end: 1 year ago

qualified yes because I'm unsure what "counts" as planting. I've taken small trees from plant nurseries and dug holes for them and so on. I haven't ever like, started from a seed. Also, I've never done it alone. Really only ever helped someone else with the planting.
Qualified yes because our intermediate school used to be dragged out to plant pine trees on the sand dunes. We all had to plant trees; no choice.
qualified no because this seems like the sort of thing I may have done and have no recollection of 🀷🏼
surprisingly many! we had a trip to the woods during elementary school where we would plant trees, it was rad
I grew a Golden Delicious apple tree from a seed until it was 6' tall and bearing fruit. Then my family moved and I was sad.
Qualified yes - it basically planted itself, probably a seed in a bird dropping, but in the wrong spot. So I dug it out and replanted a couple of meters further out. Have kept the tree since, about 20 years, the trunk is about 40cms diameter now… 🌳
Sure, had to make one. It’s a willow that in the cultured landscape around here is traditionally cut about man height bi-annually. I stick to the tradition, even though it’s in my garden instead of lining a field. What are yours (pic if no trouble)?
not even going to respond to the choices given as the pretext is doubtful, as other replies suggest.

Sure, move an already growing tree from one spot and put it in another - prob where something else was already growing.

Maybe you follow it up for years, maybe you forget you ever did it, and it has long since died.

Maybe you get government money, maybe you get a short warm glow. Maybe you learn something - prob best reason.

Having watched corporations get paid to slash hectares of 3 metre thriving wild trees and replace them with *similar* tree species in PLASTIC TUBES, I'm now super-sceptic.

But yes, I love trees and care-take all life phases of many that would not do so well alone, and they feed me.
I've only planted a few thousand in my 70 years. #Permaculture colleagues have planted 10,000 in one day (with a tractor-pulled planter) and millions over the course of their careers. Most people are slackers in this department, IMHO, though there is plenty of room for improvement.
Grew some pawpaw trees from seeds over the last two years. Planted six in the yard last summer, gave the rest away. Curious to see how they dealt with their first in-ground winter.
@kittell wowowowowow! Pawpaw is an amazing tree to plant.
I have funded tree planting, so "Qualified No".
This is great! I'm a "strong yes", as I've planted about 10 trees in our garden.

It was interesting to see so many comments about what qualifies as "planting a tree".

For you final 15%: I highly recommend trying it out!
interesting. I have confession to make: when I first saw your polls, the questions were mostly about opinions and points of view, so I thought that "strong" means "I believe so" and "qualified" means "in my opinion", as in "my belief is backed by qualifications".
A while ago I figured that my understanding of intended semantics was wrong, but I still continue voting like that 😁
@jonn That's funny! I intend "strong yes" to mean "yes without reservations", and "qualified yes" as "yes, but..."
yeah, over time I realised it, but I'm still being mischievous.

Thus, if there was a poll "Do you respond to @evan polls"? I would answer "Qualified yes" πŸ˜€
as a volunteer to my local community orchard, I second this recommendation! Planting trees is fun!
here where I live in the western US, the National Arbor Day Foundation will give free trees away on Arbor Day. We have a small (but mighty) planetree now planted in the front yard.
My mom likes red maples and she used to grow them from seed, put them in small plant pots at first and keep them in the fridge for a few weeks in the winter, to get them used to cold. Then plant them in the ground after a year or two.
We never stayed in one place long enough to see them mature.
I've also planted trees; again, either moved away too sooon, or couldn't find a spot to plant them ( one got removed from where I put it. πŸ™ )