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Do you have a blog?

#Poll #EvanPoll

  • Strong yes (33%, 169 votes)
  • Qualified yes (30%, 154 votes)
  • Qualified no (14%, 75 votes)
  • Strong no (20%, 104 votes)
502 voters. Poll end: 1 year ago

Evan Prodromou reshared this.

Qualified yes…because I write a post once every few years. I’m probably due for another.
I have a micro blog and the content on it is terrible, but that's really on me
I'm actually using wordpress as a diary - 90% of posts are 'private' and addressed to my kids. It's, uhhhhhhhh, not clear this is a good idea ;)
not a personal blog, but I maintain my @bitexpert company blog.

Last year, I set myself the goal to publish a blog post once per week, will continue with this in 2023 😀
a blog that you hardly never update is a “qualified yes” or a “qualified no”. I chose “qualified no” because I also don’t have any intention of updating it.
Yes. That I don't ever update. And change software on more often than write on :ablobcatwave:
I post most days on @hiveblocks and it's more than just microblogging. I cover a range of topics. Getting rewards is an incentive, but it's fun too. I've hosted my own blog previously, but got much less feedback.
Yes. Since 2005 but very sporadic. Currently trying to get *all* my historical content into a blog which I 'own' and am not beholden to yet another Cloud service that dies or monetises.
I actually have several blogs, all of which I haven't updated in years.

A major de-motivator for me was the blog comment signal-to-spam ratio getting much worse. Fewer humans leaving blog comments, and spam bots out of control. I gave up and disabled comments on most. "Blogs are conversations", and if people aren't commenting, if they're not writing their own blogs and linking to each other, the blog network loses some critical mass.

Qualified yes, since I do want to blog.
that's a strange question to ask on a blogging platform.

"According to our poll conducted on the Internet, around 99.9% of respondents use the Internet."
Now apropos of nothing, out of nowhere (maybe triggered by the Teams outage) I am remembering the Wordpress P2 theme.

This was originally launched in 2009 and then rebranded in 2020.
I have a website where I write about woodworking. I have never (and will never) call it a blog.
next ask whether they're blog URL is in their masto profile
Qualified no? Is that for people who set up a blog once but assume that it’s not running anymore?
I'm surprised blogs still exist.
kinda? Keeping it alive is the hardest part!
Thanks to @mc_frontalot for the theme song of this poll
do I have a #blog? Yes I sure do. Have I actually posted anything to it? Not in at least a couple of years
not yet, but definitely gonna set one up now I know about fediverse blogging!
Cool. These are high numbers.

I am strong yes.
I put qualified only for the reason that the expert should realize that his expertise may not be relevant to the topic. But that may just be visible from the context
Wow! That's a high proportion of bloggers

Does this tell us something about your followers or about Mastodon?
Now do the same poll on the Birdsite

(only joking)